The return

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Ontario's P.O.V

A soft breeze whispered through the hollow tickling my ears, loose strands of hair flying in my face as I made my way up the well worn track.

It had been many moons, even many more winters since I had last seen the men who summoned me here tonight.

The crisp clear air, calming my raging thoughts as I opened the wooden gate.


The foreign name meaning nothing to me, I racked my brain trying to find a face to the name, but found nothing familiar.

I came to a halt as I gazed up at the small round door, attached to a small house built into the side of a hillside.

Glancing at the well tended garden I almost turned back to where I had came from. It had been too long.

Just as I was about to turn on my heel a small symbol glowed bright on the circle door. Shining bright in the moonlight. Almost like a sign from the gods.

I took a deep breath anxiety, skyrocketing as I knocked on the door.

I stood awkwardly on the porch, hearing as someone came stomping towards the door.

"I was under the impression there was to be no more uninvited guests tonight! I'm sorry but you'll have to leave, there isn't any more room-"

The somewhat flustered man stopped mid sentence as soon as he opened the door, seeing me who was behind it.

The man had brown hair, slightly curled at the tips, that dipped down to his collar bone. He was flushed in the face, staring up at me with a somewhat irritated yet awed expression. And he was short, very short.

"Are you a hobbit?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. I must have been at the wrong house. In the wrong town. In the wrong part of the country.

He opened his mouth as if to speak, before he closed it. He opened his mouth once more before repeating  the action. Looking quite like a stunned mullet.


"Come in my girl, no need to stand out there in the darkness," Gandalf the grey said appearing at the mans side, widening the door for me.

I smiled at the site of someone familiar. "I was beginning to think you'd given me the wrong address," I admitted, he scoffed "When do I ever get these type of things incorrect?".

I raised an eyebrow at the old wizard. "Well there was the time in Rivendell, Matamata, Aramatis, to name a few," I listed off.

He scowled at me leading me around the corner, "Just be quiet and mind your head," he said. Instinctively I ducked as I almost collided with the low ceiling beams. We're all hobbit dwellings like this?

The loud chatter in the room quietened as if I had crossed an invisible barrier. I glanced up as I stepped onto the soft carpeted floor.

13 pairs of dark eyes stared up at me from the crowed table.

"You!" The tallest of the 13 spoke standing from his place at the head of the table. His dark curly hair, fell down the sides of his face like a lions mane.

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