A binding contract

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Ontario's P.O.V

One year earlier

I resting my chin on the edge of the wooden corral, I stared at the large black stallion in awe. Still transfixed by his beauty. He had been gifted to me by lord Elrond of Rivendell, a few weeks prior for my hundred and forty fifth birthday.

He was straight off the southern plains, no more tame or predictable than the ocean. Elrond had told me that it would be could character building for me, and I leapt at the chance.

I had made the decision, right there and then, that today would be the day. The day I finally rode him.

I slipped between the wooden rails, the gravel crunching beneath my feet, as I calmly walked towards where he stood, already tacked up.

I held my hand out for him to sniff, tickling his muzzle in a loving manner. As he nickered in return.

This was a good of a sign as any.

Tentatively I placed a foot in the stirrup, the leather groaning under my weight. Nervously he swung round at the noise, and I was forced to swing myself completely into the saddle, to avoid being crushed into the railings.

"Woah, woah boy," I tried to sooth him, as he pranced around the arena spinning in tight circles.

Grabbing ahold of his mane, I tugged on the hair gently, trying to straighten him up. Almost instantaneously he stopped, dead still.

Head down as he painted heavily, whithers quivering underneath him. I my cheeks ached with the smile that painted my face. Nothing could wipe it from my face.

I felt on top of the world, as pride bubbled within me. The weeks of preparation having paid off.

"Ontario the bronc buster... Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" I asked him with a grin. Sliding forward to scratch his neck.

I don't quite know what happened next, one second I was enjoying giving him a pat, the next he suddenly shot forward.

Unprovoked , he took off like a arrow shot from a bow. Unbalanced I gripped a handful of hair, squeezing my thighs tightly against his sides, holding on for dear life.

"Woah now!" I yelled in panic, as we thundered towards the railings. Metre by metre his powerful strides ate up the ground, until we were bearing down on the rails.

I yanked on the left side of his mane as hard as I could, the motion not provoking the reaction I wanted as he didn't even try to alter his course.

I whinced, squeezing my eyes shut as I leant down low in the saddle, bracing myself for the pain I knew was coming.

My stomach bottomed out as I felt his feet leave the ground. I peaked through half shut lids, as we soared over the railings.

I almost began to laugh in disbelief at the fact we just cleared an 8 foot fence, except we didn't quite make it. One of his back hooves, clipping the railing.

This time I was thrown from the saddle, as his entire body jerked to the left. My fingers flailing, trying to grab anything.

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