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The grass rustled in my face, tickling my cheek that lay flat against it, stirring me from my slumber. The sun shone brightly above the open field. The soft wind blowing, nudging the loose strands of hair, that rebelliously fell from their braids.

Slowly I stood. My bare feet disappearing in the ankle high grass. The ground was hard underfoot as I peered around, shielding my eyes from the harsh sun as I took in the surroundings.

At the foot of a mountain, nothing seemed amiss as I began to walk down the small slope .

A memory tugged at the back of my mind, trying to tell me why this place felt so familiar . But I could not grasp it.

A few hundred metres ahead of me I could see a short figure, shrouded in furs, leaning heavily on a sword. Back towards me.

"Hello?" I called, voice sounding foreign even to my own ears. "What is this place?"

The man did not turn, instead he lifted his sword, resting it on his shoulder he began to disappear over the edge of a hill.

I hurried to cross a shallow creek, the cool water soon reaching my knees. The current soon pulling at the dark green dress I wore, trying to tug me down stream.

The rocks were slimy with algae and I fought to keep my balance. Splashing wildly in the water as with every step the land seemed to get further away. The water getting higher with every passing second.

I lost my balance slipping into the water which was now at my chest. Catching my hand on a sharp rock as I tried to get to my feet. Hissing in pain I cradled my injured hand to my chest, willing the pain to go away.

I watched mesmerised as the current pushed the swirling line of red that escaped from the gash of my palm, trailing away downstream.

As the water reached my throat I began to panic. There was no way I could reach the other side, it seemed to be miles away. I turned to go back the way I came, only to have an unknown force grab ahold of my ankles pulling me down.

I choked on a mouthful of water, struggling to free myself, as the sun was soon blotted out, leaving me engulfed in the darkness.


I sat up bolt right, gasping for air as the heavy rain pelted me from all angles.

I wiped the rain from my eyes struggling to see as they peeled apart.

Only it wasn't rain. It was thick, hot, red blood gushing from the sky.

I began to hyperventilate as I sat in an endless  dark room, on a crudly made cot, filled with straw. A single candle burned brightly, illuminating the endless abyss.

My arms and hands were covered with blood. My hair plastered to my neck and shoulders as the strands stubbornly stuck to my skin. The white on the bodice of my dress was unrecognisable as the thick liquid drenched me to the core.

I jumped off the bed, trying to run to find a door, anything to get out of this hell! Only to be jerked back by a shackle that was bound around my left ankle.

The elleth from under the mountainWhere stories live. Discover now