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*trigger warning

Ontario's P.O.V

Rolling onto my side, bile rose in my throat as I violently vomited. Throat burning from the acid, causing me to cough up the dreds as I tried and ultimately failed to get the foul taste out of my mouth.

Everything hurt when I moved, achy limbs the result of the fever that still burned brightly through my veins.

But the pain meant only one thing, I was still alive.

"My friend, you are awake," a familiar voice spoke in elvish, in an instant a comforting hand was placed on my shoulder, an uncapped flask was thrust in front of me.

With shaky hands I took the flask, rinsing the inside of my mouth, before spitting the vile tainted liquid onto the ground.

Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand I couldn't help but stare at the face of my friend that peered down at me.

"Is this real?" I whispered not trusting my own eyes, not trusting the event unfolding in front of me was true. I had no recollection of the time I'd spent 'recovering' from my injuries. It could have been days, weeks, or even months. My internal calendar having been completely thrown out of whack.

"Of course," he murmured just as softly, taking both my hands in one of his own much larger ones, as he encouraged me into a sitting position.

The sun shone brightly, hanging high in the sky , painting the somewhat quiet campsite in a golden glow.

It was as if nothing had happened. The birds still sung their songs, twittering about as they twirled through the sky. The insects calling out to each other as they went about their merry way.

I cleared my throat, vocal cords scratchy and sore from non use. "What are you doing here?" I asked, absolutely perplexed, my mind still not quite sure whether I was just conjuring up his image as I lay dying in the dirt.

"There were murmurs of creatures of the night, rampaging through the districts just outside of the borders of Imladris. There were also complaints of an Elvin horse thief, accompanied by a halfling," he grinned knowingly , I shrugged my shoulders, "I did give him fair warning,".

"Ontario! Your alive!?" Bofur yelled in shock, dropping the armful of wood he carried in his haste.

In an instant I was wrapped in a bruising hug, as he squeezed the literal life out of me.

I groaned loudly in pain, "I won't be soon if you don't let me breath," I wheezed, Lindir who was iniveortably caught in the embrace, gently unwrapped Bofur's arms from my waist.

"Geeze, you need a bath," Bofur admitted as he rocked back onto his heels, pinching his nose in disgust, "Your one to speak," I countered, at least I had an excuse for not bathing, he on the other hand did not.

"How long have I been out for?" I asked, the somewhat simple question causing a silent termoil between the two men.

Bofur motioned for Lindir to answer, the elf just staring at him blankly, raising an eyebrow in anticipation.

I waved the both of my hands in front of their faces, interrupting their staring competition. "Hello, I'm still here,".

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