Sick day. (Fluff)

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Warning: fluff (iTs sO fLuFfY iM gOnNa dIe). Btw I suddenly have so much motivation to write so don't quiz me on my sudden return, kind of crap :/

It was a lovely day outside, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming and on days like these.

Kids like Oikawa...feel like they're burning in hell.

With a temperature of 39°C.

That's right. Our little baby is sick.

Oikawa rolled over in his cover less bed for the tenth time in two minutes. He was extremely bored, uncomfortable and tired.

The boy was boiling, wafting the top to his volleyball themed pyjamas whilst panting in despair.

His eyes were sticky and puffy, nose constantly dripping, muscles aching worse than ever but his worst symptom was that he was lonely.

Yes having a contagious fever wasn't the best.

Oikawa peeled his eyes open as much as he could and forced himself into an upright position with a groan. He placed a hand flat over his eyes, to protect himself from the suns harsh rays, which no matter how much he says they are, are not out to get him. He fumbled his hand around the bed a bit until his hand landed in his phone.

He decided now was the best time to answer his boyfriends worried but borderline threatening texts.

Hey shittykawa
I'm waiting for you at the gates
I'm literally gonna go in without you
The bell just rang
I've gone in
It's your own fault alien boy
God I wish they've taken you away

Schools over Iwa-Chan :)

Don't you Iwa-Chan me Oikawa, I'm coming over right now

It's not that Oikawa doesn't want his boyfriend to find out he's sick (well it's exactly that) but once Iwaizumi finds out, he's gonna ask him why and he isn't prepared for a scolding today.

Oikawa sweat dropped. He flung himself out of bed, gathering the arm full of tissues he'd used. Pushing them into his bedside bin, squashing them down as much as possible. He cleaned up his dishes and ran them downstairs as fast as possible. The brunette looked out the window to see if Iwaizumi was coming down the street. And he was, Oikawa could see the murderous look on his face from where he was.

Oikawa squeaked and stepped back quickly, walking straight into the settee and falling back onto it. He flailed like a dying ant, getting all wrapped up inside the settee's throw (a blanket you place over your couch so it isn't ruined). He groaned as he finally popped his head out of the blanket before sneezing and wiping his snot all over it, due to having no tissues on him. The captain threw the throw, narrowly missing the wash basket.

He groaned aloud, his aching arms not appreciating the strain.

Oikawa just stood around frantically for a few seconds, whipping his head back and forth not knowing what to do for the few seconds he had left before Iwa-Chan would let himself in with the spare key.

He did the only thing he could think of.

The brunette dashed upstairs as quick as his lanky legs could carry him, jumping onto his double bed and hiding underneath the alien print covers.

Mad Iwa was a scary Iwa.

Oikawa squeaked when he heard Hajime unlock the door and sling his bag onto the floor. The heavy footsteps pounding up his stairs didn't help his banging headache, causing Tooru to whimper.

Iwaoi one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang