Harmless joke (angsty)

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Warnings: Claustrophobia, panic attack, distraught Oikawa, swearing, rushed ending (sorry but I'm just so tired.).

I'm sorry this has taken so long, school is draining me with these final two weeks of exams and I haven't had the time to get back into the mood for writing. I hope this makes up for my absence!!

-Also Guys please correct me for any things that are too over the top, as I do not have claustrophobia and I'm going out on a limb here. I'm sorry if this seems like stereotypical claustrophobia but the internet doesn't have much of the actual happenings or perceives during the attack but the symptoms. 

"You know all you have to do is jump a little higher, the momentum will strengthen the speed." The small pinkette sighed, grabbing the cart of volleyballs and wheeling it out from the tight storage cupboard.

"I know but you guys understand why I'm afraid to do that." Oikawa mumbled as he fastened the velcro of his knee brace.

"Come on, you've got your knee support so there's minimal damage if you do fall." Matsukawa ruffled the Captain's hair as he walked past to help his best friend with the cart. Oikawa huffed and tried his best to fix his hair. He looked around for Iwaizumi, in hopes the other could get the nets needed.

But the raven was no-where to be seen.

Oikawa was too embarrassed by his fear to ask one of the others to go inside the cupboard and so the boy decided to suck it up.

What's a few seconds?

He walked hesitantly to the cupboard, searching at a distance for the nets he regrettably threw in last week.

There they are...

With a gulp, the brunette poked his head past the door into the darkness that seemed to reach out to him with hallucinogenic whispers. Taking a breath, Tooru took a step into the damned space, almost crying with relief when the walls didn't start miraculously moving.

A few more steps to go, come on!

Stood frozen in the center of the storage cupboard, Oikawa shook slightly as his eyes were too terrified to leave the walls. Fearing that deterring his eyes from the deadly brick would cause it to close in on him, like he was prey.

Taking another step forward, Oikawa stood on something, his ankle rolling causing him to crash to the floor, his side hitting the wood with a thud. Tooru groaned in pain, a breath escaping his winded lungs as he reached his hand out, ready to push himself up.

As he pressed against something, Oikawa blinked in realisation as thin rope began to dig into his hand. The angular rope seemingly patterned in small squares. Tooru pushed up onto his knees, hands grasping the nets he was looking for.

The pain twisted expression was released and a smile broke through. Tooru jumped up, nearly tangling himself in the nets, as he hauled them over his shoulder.


Oikawa's head snapped towards the once open doors, blinking multiple times in disbelief. Dropping the nets in a hurry, Tooru took a few hasty strides and pressed his palms flat against the flaking door.

Snickers resonated from the other side of the door and Oikawa's heart plummeted into the dark pits of his empty stomach. His palms began to detach and re-attach against the doors due to his sudden tremors, cheap blistered paint peeling from the wood as the brunette's perspiring hands acted like magnets to the chipping pigment. His every pore leaking with crippling anxiety. 

Sticking his clammy hands back against the tacky, red doors, Oikawa pressed his face desperately into the small crack between them, shouting for assistance as loud as he could.

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