A little less wisdom (fluff)

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Warning: dentistry, removal of wisdom teeth, very heavily drugged  Iwaizumi, babyish speak but it's the only way I can think of writing gaze affected speech.

I've never seen a oneshot like this but I found the idea funny.

Let's just say Hajime was not happy with where he was headed...

I don't think anyone would be.

Oikawa sighed, taking a glance at the persistently pouting Iwaizumi as he indicated into the dentistry's car park.

He silently drove around the car park, once or twice, looking for a space. Iwaizumi wished that some dickhead driver would just swerve past them and take the spot Oikawa had saw but with his luck that didn't happen and he had to be unwillingly dragged from the car.

The couple had a slow walk towards the building, Oikawa being as patient as he could with the scared and struggling male beside him.

Iwaizumi gulped as the automatic doors opened quicker than he wanted. The dazed raven was then guided to the sickly green chairs in the waiting room and once comfortably sat, his boyfriend went and signed him in at reception.

Tooru came back a few minutes later, smiling softly in reassurance at his boyfriend, who in no way ready for his procedure.

"It's gonna be okay Iwa-chan~. Twenty minutes at most." The brunette whispered, taking the other's shaky hand into his own. "The only thing your going to feel is the needle." Oikawa turned his head left to face his lover but he had to hold back a laugh at the look of shock-horror on Hajime's face.

If there's one thing Iwaizumi's scared of....it's needles.

So being told that that's the only thing he'll feel, doesn't help his pre-surgery jitters at all.

Minutes that usually last forever seemed to miraculously become seconds to Hajime and when he heard his name resonate throughout the practice, his heart dropped, plummeted.

Oikawa let go of his hand as fearing boy unsteadily rose to his feet. Iwaizumi's heart beat thumped in his ears, as he looked at his boyfriend, unknowing tears swelling in his eyes.

The sight made Oikawa's chest tighten, he really was scared to get his wisdom tooth out huh?

"Will you...will you come in for the s-sedation?" Oikawa let out a breathy laugh, knowing full well he shouldn't laugh at his petrified partner. He stood from his seat, intertwining their hands, as he slowly guided them both past the stares, behind the receptionist, down a hallway and into the clinical room, Oikawa forced to duck under the door frame with his sheer height.

There was just one woman, in which Oikawa asked for. The brunette didn't want his other half to be panicked by the sight of multiple dentists in surgical clothing.

The blonde woman looked at the joined hands and her grin grew.

"Boyfriends?" She giggled. Iwaizumi for some reason felt himself relax a bit, with the lack of people or the woman's bubbly atmosphere? He didn't know but he felt his shivers cease.

The small woman patted the papered chair as she walked past it towards a vile filled counter.

Hajime as gently as he could, climbed onto the chair, struggling slightly as he refused to let go of Oikawa.

Comfortable as could be, Iwaizumi closed his eyes as the woman came forward. She gave them a quick overview of the surgery but Hajime just ignored her, after all he'd already researched this multiple times in the week following up to this.

With a labourer breath, he cracked open his right eye slightly but he wished he hadn't. Above his head was the dreaded needle, just being waved about carelessly as the woman fangirled over their relationship.

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