Your mine now. (Omegaverse)

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Warning: Violence. (Woah 100 reads guys !!) ALSO I APOLOGISE FOR USING TERUSHIMA BUT EVERYONE IS GETTING MAD AT ME AND SO I CHANGED IT (also if your new here then the Terushima comments will make no sense :D)

Iwazumi has been acting strange.

He's been limping and he growled at Makki when he tried to pat him on the back.

Oikawa thought it was Iwa-chan's heat coming along but he couldn't smell it on the omega, meaning something was up.

The boys were getting changed back into their uniform inside the airy changing room. Iwazumi had little conversation with his team mates and made a great deal of changing his shirts as quickly as he could. No one noticed but a fully dressed Oikawa, who stood watching Iwazumi with a quizzical gaze, bag swinging from his shoulder.

The boys, apart from Iwazumi and Oikawa, filtered out of the changing  room as the bell rang, joyful conversations filling the air. Oikawa waved them all out with a sweet smile, locking the door once he knew they were all gone.

"Whats the matter with you Iwa-chan?" Oikawa's sounded as sweet as sugar but the dominating hormones he was releasing said otherwise.

Iwazumi whimpered causing Oikawa's eyebrows to immediately draw together. He took a step towards his crush, who immediately took a step back.

"Iwa-Chan are you hurt?" He received a nod. The omega knew any attempt of lying would piss the alpha off.

"Where?" Iwazumi grumbled and began to unbutton his shirt. His skin was covered in deep scratches and purpley, blue splotches that made it look painful to even breathe. Oikawa's eyes skimmed Iwazumi's skin looking for a mating mark, to see if he still had a chance. He found none and his heart lifted a little but that doesn't excuse the bruises. Oikawa blinked away surfacing tears and growled.

"Did He do this?" Oikawa grunted, unknowingly letting off aggressive pheromones.

"Oikawa..." Oikawa already knew the answer but he wanted confirmation.

"I won't ask again, was this him?" Iwazumi sighed, giving the alpha the answer he wanted.

"I'm gonna teach the fucker something he'll never forget!" Oikawa swung his fist, causing it to thump against the wall. Iwazumi panicked slightly, knowing how this would end.

"Wait...Oikawa I'll talk to him, just don't get involved or he'll hurt you too." Iwazumi pulled Oikawa's bleeding fist into his hands, his eyes pleading with Oikawa's.

"Yeah well your my best friend and I can't stand seeing you not yourself any longer Iwa-Chan." Oikawa muttered looking away from the omega, whilst internally scolding himself for friend zoning his crush.

"4 O'clock after school, I'll be round yours to study." Oikawa said pulling his aching fist from Iwazumi. Hastily leaving towards the door.

"But Oikawa-" Oikawa let the door slam behind him. "-he's coming over tonight." Iwazumi trailed off with a groan, kicking his bag away.

————————————(time skip)

Oikawa had been home and changed before walking down the familiar street towards Iwa-chan's house. His knuckles rapped on the door a few times, until Iwazumi's mother answered the door.

"Oh Tooru what a pleasure to see you, Hajime never mentioned you coming over." Oikawa gave her a sweet smile as she stepped backwards to let him in.

"He's upstairs with his boyfriend." Oikawa rolled his eyes with clenched fists as Mrs. Iwazumi walked into the kitchen. She returned with a glass of water and handed it to the brunette.

"Please give that to Hajime, oh and ask Ushijima does he want anything." The woman waddled off into the living room, leaving Oikawa's face sour just with the mention of the stoic alpha's name.

Oikawa crept up the stairs quietly, trying to listen in on any conversation that could be happening. He stood outside the door about to knock when he heard a sharp no.

Oikawa turned around wondering if someone was talking to him but when he found no one he realised it came from inside the room. He pressed his ear against the door hearing the sound of clothes hitting the floor. Oikawa's eyes widened and his nose wrinkled in disgust. He was ready to bolt down the stairs and out the door, but what happened next changed his mind.

"Please don't do this..." It was Hajime, he sounded as though he was crying.

Oikawa dropped the glass and opened the door as quick as he could, searching the room. Iwazumi was pinned to the bed, boxers the only thing left on him. Oikawa's eyes followed the hands upwards to find a certain alpha glaring at him, trying to ward Oikawa off with a dominating scent. Oikawa matched his glare and stood his ground.

'Iwazumi will be mine' he thought to himself as Wakatoshi slowly stood up. Oikawa felt relief wash over him as he saw no mating marks on the crying Iwazumi. The blonde snarled at him and Oikawa growled back, challenging the obnoxious alpha for what should be his.

Iwazumi scrambled to get in between the two his face trained on Oikawa's as he tried to push him out the door. The brunette took his eyes off of the dick and looked at the gorgeous omega in front of him. Hajime had tears sparkling in his eyes making him all the more prettier to Oikawa.

Oikawa ignored the pleading look on Hajime's face and pushed his shaking body behind him. Oikawa stood to his full height not caring that Ushijima was taller, but the blonde didn't seem to falter.

And then out of nowhere...

It happened.

There were punches thrown left and right, claw marks, hair pulling, biting, the lot. Hajime wanted to get his mother but he didn't want her hurt. Hajime knew they weren't fighting because of what Ushijima did to him, they were fighting over who'd have him and Iwazumi knew who he wanted.

After everything that had happened he wanted him.

"PLEASE STOP!" He shouted curling into a ball, squeezing his eyes shut, hands covering his sensitive ears. Oikawa, hearing the cry, slowly rose to his feet, the beaten alpha quivering under him.

Tooru had won the omega for himself.

Oikawa pulled the blonde up by his hair, and whispered something in his ear, causing the losing alpha to run out the house with his tail between his legs. Oikawa chuckled, hands resting on his knees before he turned to Hajime, sharp eyes lingering on his face.

He stood up and moved over to the ball of adorableness moving him onto the bed, Iwazumi peaked his eyes open to find only Tooru and no Wakatoshi. Hajime wanted to cry with relief.

The person he wanted most had him.

"Your mine now." Oikawa whispered into the omega's ear. Hajime tilted his head giving Oikawa all the access he wanted.

"Mark me." Iwazumi rasped, and Oikawa did just that.

"No one will ever hurt you again my sweet omega." Oikawa nuzzled into him after pulling away. Hajime sobbed, happiness flooding his body.

He was finally going to be happy.

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