Stupid swerve. (Little space)

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Warning: Little space (A person who regresses to a younger age and needs a daddy/mommy to care for them) Fluff (I know straight to it :]).

It wasn't going his way and it was really annoying Oikawa.


The Sejoh team were spending the weekend at Karasuno for some sort of new "training" but Oikawa, surprisingly, wasn't listening as he was too busy watching Iwaizumi or his 'daddy' laugh and chatter to those who sat in front of them, loving each and every sound that left his mouth.

Once they had arrived they greeted the Karasuno team and parted ways to the dorms. Well all of them except for Oikawa, he made sure Iwazumi didn't see him sneak away and jogged with his bag towards the gymnasium. He was slightly surprised to find it unlocked but got over it quickly, remembering why he was there. He creaked the door open and popped his head inside.

He rolled his eyes when he found Hinata and The "king" had the same idea as him. Oikawa strode onto the court letting the door slam behind him, causing the weird duo to turn in his direction.

"Can I use half of the court?" Oikawa spoke with a sweet smile, Iwazumi would kill him if he knew what he was doing.

Hinata nodded his head and signaled a brooding Kageyama to follow him. Oikawa dropped his duffel bag and took a ball out of the basket with one hand, bouncing it a few times before throwing up into the air...

And here we are. Hinata and Kageyama long gone and a very upset Oikawa surrounded by 20 or so volleyballs, willing himself not to cry over a stupid new serve. He tried his upgraded serve once again but to no avail. A sob escaped his lips and that was enough for him to slip into his headspace. He curled up on the floor aggressively kicking any balls that rolled his way in frustration. He was there for what felt like hours crying for his daddy but not finding any motivation to move, he's a failure. Why would his daddy want him?

Oikawa was crying so hard he couldn't hear his phone ringing in his black duffel bag not that far from him. The only time he looked up was when Suga came running into the hall, after slamming the doors open, panting heavily, warm brown eyes scanning the room.

When Suga's frantic eyes met Oikawa's teary ones he let out a noise Oikawa could only decipher as relief. He ran towards Oikawa before kneeling next to him.

"Jesus Oikawa everyone's looking for you what are you doing in here it's 10 at night! You've been gone all day."

Oikawa being in little space didn't understand a word Sugamama just said.

"Pwease don tew anywon, I wan my daddy." Oikawa cried into his hands. Suga was taken aback before realising Oikawa was a little and was slightly relieved to have been the one who found him, babysitting Hinata once or twice, came in handy and to actually think Oikawa looked cute helpless like this made Suga shudder before ruffling the brunette's hair.

"Hey... I won't say a word, pinky promise. We've been worried that's all." Even though Tsukishima couldn't give a damn about him, though Oikawa didn't need to know that.

"Here why don't we call your daddy, I'm guessing it's Iwaizumi Hajime?" Oikawa nodded a little too enthusiastically. Suga chuckled at his antics before dialling Hajime's number.

After the first ring Suga passed the phone to the sniffling Oikawa who took it without question. He was a bit happier now that he wasn't alone but he still really wants his daddy, even though he knows he's in big trouble.

"Hello? Did you find him?" Iwaizumi's voice was filled with worry, something that's rare to find he's feeling. Oikawa couldn't contain himself any longer.

"DADDY!" He sobbed into the phone. Tears and snot from the excessive nose wiping flew everywhere. Suga's face held a soft smile of adoration for the boy, as he gently rubbed his shaking back.

There was a shuddering breath on the other end of the line until he heard a choked, "Hey baby."

Oikawa laughed slightly as his daddy told the people he was with that his baby was found.

"Can you tell daddy where you are?" Iwa-Chan asked. Oikawa thought but he couldn't the remember how to pronounce the name... g...ginasum? Instead he just said the one word he knows that associates with the place.

"Volleyball..." He said praying his daddy would understand and come running through those doors.

"Well done little one, I'll be there in two seconds I swear." The line cut off and Oikawa was pulled into a sweet hug by Suga. Oikawa wiped his nose on Suga's shirt causing the boy to sigh but squeeze the little anyways.

It wasn't a moment later when Oikawa heard footsteps. He picked his head up so fast Sugamama was afraid he'd have whiplash.

The doors opened with a crash and the footsteps only ceased when Oikawa was ripped out of Suga's arms and was tightly held to a well sculpted chest. The emotions hit Oikawa once again as he cried into his daddy, closed fists curling material into balls.

Iwaizumi had moved him and Oikawa over to a bench settling his baby on his lap as Suga left with a wave. Once Oikawa had calmed down and wiped his nose for the umpteenth time, Iwaizumi asked him why he was crying.

"B...cus I do new swerve and no tuwn out wew, make me cwy." Oikawa pouted making Hajime chuckle. Iwaizumi rubbed Tooru's back much like how Suga did and placed a gentle kiss to his nose.

"Well I think you've had enough serves now don't you?" Iwazumi laughed, at the face Oikawa pulled when he mentioned serves.

"Yeah, stupid swerves!" Oikawa fisted the air. Hajime picked him up as well as his bag and they both left the gymnasium together, smiles adorning their faces.

Well until Hajime started scolding the poor boy.

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