Kentarō (Heather lyric shot)

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Warnings: A little sad, happy ending. This took foreverrrrrr to write so enjoy 😘.

I still remember the third of December~

Iwaizumi sat in class, watching Oikawa talk, more like plead, with kyotani through the window.

Me in your sweater,

Hajime fiddled with the ends of the white jacket he was wearing, embroidered with the number 1. Unknown jealousy flooded his system, deeply inhaling the pine scent that was Oikawa's.

You said it looked better.
On me, than it did you, only if you knew~

Iwaizumi looked away from the two, a churning feeling floating around in his tummy. He doesn't understand why Oikawa is trying to get the attention of Mad dog when he could be sat next to him right now.

Not that he cared.

How much I liked you,

Hajime blinked at himself, shocked he'd ever think that. He didn't like shittykawa did he?

But I watch your eyes~

Iwaizumi couldn't look away from the pair, analysing all of Tooru's actions towards the blonde. His newly surfaced feelings for the brunette eating away at him.

As he walks by~
What a sight for sore eyes~

The bell rang, giving Hajime a good reason to look away from the pair basically all over each other.
Navigating as fast as he can around the school to get to the two.

Brighter than the blue sky~

The raven pushed the door, that lead to the outside, swiftly open. Hastily making his way to the square, where he saw the two.

As he made it to the square, Oikawa and Kyotani were in the distance. Iwaizumi just missed them.

He's got you mesmerised~

Iwaizumi's shoulders slumped as he watched Tooru enthusiastically run after the uninterested teen.

While I die~

Tears started to surface.

Why would you ever kiss me?

Hajime fiercely rubbed his eyes to will the tears away. He swore he'd never cry over the boy.

I'm not even half as pretty~

Iwaizumi's thoughts consisted of sudden insecurities. Oikawa hadn't spoken to him all day, hell he hadn't even looked for him, yet he has time to talk to that stoic bastard.

You gave him your sweater~

Iwaizumi's tears ran more at the memory of Oikawa lending a shivering Mad dog, who refused to wear his own, the jacket he was currently wearing after a long tournament. Why would his mind bring that up at this time?

It's just polyester~

Iwaizumi scolded himself. He can't stand this feeling of pain or jealousy as others would call it.

But you like him better~

Hajime sighed and turned away.

I wish I were Kentarō.

Hajime scuffed his way to his next lesson, alone.

—————————————(time skip)

Watch as he stands with him holding your hand~

It was practice and the raven solemnly watched as Oikawa went to pat Kentaro on the back, only for his hand to get caught by the blonde with a sharp glare.

Iwaoi one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz