Chapter 20

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Two months later...

Demi's POV:

I opened the door and looked at some of the new faces. I was also greeted with some familiar ones. I was in a meeting with the cast of Camp Rock 2. We're finally going to start filming the sequel. I was excited, but worried at the same time. I just hoped that everybody who was new would like me.

I looked around the room and saw a familiar face. I walked up to the girl, "Chloe, right?" I asked her. I recognized her from when we were both auditioning for Mitchie.

"Yeah." She smiled, "I just got the role for Dana."

"That's great! I'm not really sure who that is yet, but that's great!" I gave her a smile in return. We both giggled.

"Where are these boys?! They're always running late!" Mathew looked down at his watch.

"Calm down, Matt. I'm sure they'll be here soon." Marsha, the producer of the movies stated.

Mathew sighed. We waited, and waited.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing the three boys, and Mr.Jonas, "Finally!" Mathew joked. It was weird how his mood changed as soon as they got here.

Phil, our manager came in next, "Sorry about that. They were finishing up recording on their last song for their album." He explained.

"If it means we'll have thier undivided attatenion for the filming of this movie, it's okay." Mathew shrugged it off.

The boys sat down. Joe sitting next to me.

We basically did the samething as the very first time we were in this office building. Singing, and some table reading.

We all got up from our seats, "Demi, can I  speak with you for a minute?" Phil came over to me.

"Sure." I answered. We waited for everyone else to clear out of the room.

"Alright, so now that the boys are done, we can finally start recording your second album." He smiled.

"That's great, but what about filming the movie?" I asked him, confused.

"So what's gonna happen, is you're going to record music for the movie. Then, you'll get a day off. The night after recording, you'll be flown back here in L.A to record some of your next album. Then you'll fly back to the set." He explained.

"Why can't I just record by the set?" I questioned him.

"Because the recording date for Sonny With A  Chance season two got moved to the sametime Camp Rock 2 will be filmed. We thought it would be easier this way." He answered.

"Why wouldn't I be doing some of this while I had a three month break?" I was starting to get a little angry.

"Because we were working with the boys. And we wanted to give you a break before all of this happened." He replied.

I sighed. It's always the Jonas Brothers. They always come first, "So what's the exact plan here?" I asked. I knew there was no point in trying  to fight back on this. He would just remind me that I signed up for this. Which is true, I did.

"So once you start filming CR2, you'll fly back here and start recording the album. I talked to Mathew and he won't have the cast members coming in until 1:30 their time. So the filming time will just take a little bit longer than the last movie did. So in the morining, you'll record an episode of Sonny With A Chance, which won't take long if you don't mess up. Then,  you'll get a day of just doing Camp Rock, and then back to L.A, and then back, and then so on." He explained it in full detail.

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