Chapitre 2

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Stiles and Dean had been walking for over an hour and they couldn't find anything but snow.

- If I take one more step, I turn into a snowman. Said Stiles

Dean smiles.

- You'll have to walk back to the chalet.

- If I freeze, you will carry me. 

- Where I would leave you in the snow. 

- You know how to cook? 

He thinks for a few seconds.

 - I'll carry you. 

- Nice Dean. You will have a good hot chocolate when you get home. 

 Since when hadn't he had hot chocolate? He had even forgotten the taste.

 - If you take me with the feelings too. Let's go home. 

He wasn't going to admit it, but it was starting to freeze in place too. 


Finally back at the cabin, he let Stiles go first into the bathroom as he rekindled the fire in the fireplace. Had he turned it on before he left? He didn't even remember that fireplace before their walk. Speaking of memories, he didn't know how he got here either. He had spoken with Stiles, but the young man also had no idea how he had come. It was really strange. 

Hypnotized by the flames dancing in the den, he jumped when he heard the young man call him.

 - Dean, it's okay, you can go to the shower.

 - Okay. 


Stiles was making the hot chocolates after taking out cookies found in one of the signs. It was really strange. They had walked for a long time with Dean, yet they had not found any sign of life, nor traces of cars. So how had they been brought here?

 - Ah that feels good. 

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his makeshift mate come into the kitchen. He handed her a mug.

 - Here. 

- Thank you. 


Dean breathed in the sweet chocolate scent. He remembered a hunt when they were kids, Sam must have been barely four years old. It was Christmas day, it was snowing. At dinner near the motel, the lady serving them brought them hot chocolate with lots of cream and marshmallows each when they hadn't ordered anything. "Gift of the house". She had told her father when he went to pay them. She gave them a wink and a sweet smile before dealing with the other customers. It was the first time he had drunk one since his mother died. It was good, he remembered the taste a little earlier.

- Dean? It's okay?

 He snapped out of his thoughts, once again hearing Stiles' voice.

 - Yes. 

- On the contrary.

 He but a sip, he sighed with pleasure. 

- This is delicious.

 - Thank you.


 Remembering that Dean had lost his mom when he was young, he realized that this simple drink could not be the one that the older one drank most often. If he hadn't had Melissa, Scott's mom in his life, he wouldn't have drunk again after his mom died. Now he was making the hot chocolate for him and Scott. Melissa scolded, but smirked when her best friend said hers were better than her mother's. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the sigh of pleasure that Dean's lips escaped. 

- Are we going for a walk afterwards? He asked.

 -We don't know the area, we don't know if night is falling quickly or not. 

On will see tomorrow. 

- Okay. What do you want to do?

- How about we search the chalet?

 - Okay. 


Ten minutes later, they were looking at each room.


It was time to eat.

 - I'll prepare the meal.

 - A hand? Dean offers him. 

- No thanks. You'll set the table when it's ready. 

- Okay. I will continue a bit. 

- Fine, I'll call you. 

He left the attic and went down to the kitchen.

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