Chapitre 3

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Stiles had just finished preparing the meal. He called Dean, but no answer. He went up to the attic and saw him staring at something. 

- Dean? 

No answer. He put his right hand on her left shoulder. 

- Dean.

 The latter jumped. 

- Stiles. What's the matter? 

- I've been calling you for a while, but you don't answer. 

- I don't know anymore, I was lost in my thoughts, I ..... 

- You were staring at something when I arrived.

 - That teddy bear. I don't know why, but I feel like I know him.

 - You had one when you were a kid.

 - Perhaps. In any case, he's not suicidal like the one I have .... What? 

- A suicidal teddy bear? 

- You will tell me when you eat. It's ready. 

- I arrive. 


It was not five o'clock when night was already falling. They had spent their afternoons by the fireplace talking about Dean's missions and the creatures he had seen in Beacon Hill.

 - Tomorrow we will go looking for signs of life, but the best thing would be for you to prepare something to eat to take away.

 - I feel like I'm really going to freeze tomorrow.

 - Promise, if that happens, I'll carry you here.

 - I hope you keep your word. 

Dean laughs. He smiles. 


After having supper and talking for another moment in front of the fireplace, they went to sleep in the bedrooms where they had woken up that morning.


Dean had never slept so well in years. They stretched and stood up. Then after going to the bathroom, he knocked on Stiles' bedroom. No answer. He allowed himself to open, but the teenager wasn't there. He went downstairs and went to the kitchen, a most delicious smell greeted him.

 - Hello. 

- Ah hello Dean. 

-You got up early. 

-Early? It's almost eleven o'clock.

 - Eleven ... Why didn't you wake me up earlier?

-I tried, for almost an hour. From what I understood yesterday, you've barely slept the last few years, I think your body has relaxed and you've caught some of your sleep.

 -But we have to go for a walk and ...

- Eat a piece, then we'll go. I prepare the snacks. 

-Thank you Stiles. 

He couldn't believe he had slept so much, but his makeshift companion must be right here. He could relax, not be on his guard.After he had breakfast, they left to seek a living soul again.


They ate as they walked hours later, but still nothing.

 - We have to go home, otherwise the night will surprise us. 


 - It's okay ? 

- I haven't turned into a snowman yet, so I would say yes, but we can't wait to be warm. 

-You are not used to the cold. 

-No, it's rare that in Beacon Hill I wear a thick sweater, a big puffer jacket, gloves and a hat. Even on the coldest day I only have a sweatshirt and a jacket. And you? Are you used to the cold? 

- Let's say we have already had to deal with monsters under the snow. But hey, I would also like to be in front of the fireplace drinking one of your hot chocolate. 

-Is this a back door request? 

- If I say yes? 

Stiles smiled at him, he felt strange, but good seeing him do it.

 -You will have your hot chocolate 


Hours later, they arrived in time before night fell. He let Stiles shower first, then he showered as Stiles brewed his hot drink for him.It was once again, in front of the fireplace, covered with a plaice, that they spent the rest of the evening talking about their lives and their families.

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