Chapitre 18

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No sooner was Stiles awake than he found himself in his father's arms.

- I'm so sorry son.

- It's okay dad, I'm here.

- I should never have acted like this, I...

- I know.

- Dean, I also have to apologize...

- It's nothing sir, I understand, really.

- Thank you.

- How about you tell us what happened to us? he asked.

-You are the receptacle of a fallen angel, former lover of the archangel Michael, of which Dean is the receptacle.

- What ? he exclaimed. I cannot be the receptacle of an angel, I have been possessed by a nogitsune.

- Possession has nothing to do with it.

- But this angel never came into me, well I mean he never took possession... You understand.

- Yes, we understand. Scott smiled. And I don't remember you becoming strange except when the nogitsune was inside you.

- So I am the receptacle of this angel, and what?

- Michael and this angel were madly in love despite being forbidden to fall in love. They have been discovered. Michael being our father's favorite was kept in heaven, but the young angel was fallen. When your spirits escaped after your possessions, the trace making you receptacles attracted you to each other. Explained Castiel.

- Is that why we ended up in this cabin? Dean asked.

- Yes.

- And our feelings? he asked.

- These are yours. You can be sure of that.

Dean pulled her against him, he felt soothed.


Dean didn't quite know what to make of what he had just learned.

- We'll let you talk about that among yourselves. Said Sam.

- I'll get you something to drink and snack on. Said Scott.

- Thank you.

They didn't speak until after Scott had come back.

- Dean, what if...

He had been afraid of what his young lover was going to say to him so he had kissed him to silence him and he had laid him down leaning over him.

- I have always refused to be Michael's receptacle. The only thing that helped me to be, is that thanks to him, I was able to meet you. I don't doubt my feelings for you. We didn't fall in love right away, it took us a while, well maybe not as much as we thought, but...

Stiles shut him up by kissing him.

- You talk too much.

He smiles.

- And you're the one saying that?

- I thought you liked it when I talked?

- It's the case. But I prefer when you moan under me, when you sigh with pleasure my name.

He slipped his left hand under her top.

- Dean, there are werewolves here, with super hearing.

- I...

He couldn't finish his sentence when there was a knock on the door. He sat down and let his young lover sit up.

- Come in.

- Sorry to bother you, but we need you, Sam understood the piece you couldn't translate. Said Scott.

- We arrive. Stiles says.

They descended after the wolf.


Stiles approached Sam who handed him the book where he found out about creatures.

- What you couldn't understand was a mixture of two languages.

- Why mix two languages ​​at this time?

- Because two spells will have to be said at the same time that the creatures will be killed.

- We'll have to tell you and me. he said.

- Stiles, I don't think... Started Dean.

- Ask the people around you, whether you like it or not, I will be with you. I know how to defend myself.

Her lover sighed.

- Good. But you will stay by my side.

- Okay.

- Now, we will tell you all how to proceed.

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