Chapitre 15

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Stiles and Dean had just arrived at Deaton's vet clinic. He barely had time to get out of his jeep when Scott followed his father arrived.

- Before you invent a lie, shut up. His father told him. Go see your friends, they need you for research, we'll settle that later.

His father passed by his side without another look at him, but stared at Dean before getting back in his car.

He blamed himself, he shouldn't have lied to his father, but he didn't know why he had done it, he just wanted to be with his lover quite simply, without the fuss. But now he was in danger of losing the bond he had created with his father since waking up. He lowered his head and sighed. He felt arms around him, he breathed a little better. He would work things out with his father, for now he had to help his friends with his lover. He frowned realizing that Dean's hug had helped him feel better.

- Stiles?

- We have research to do.

- Sam usually takes care of it. His lover sighed.

He smiled and turned in her arms.

- You can go back to the motel, I...

- No, I'll help you.

A clearing of the throat prevented them from kissing. Damn, he had forgotten that his best friend was there too.

- Tell us everything Scott.


Three hours of research. They were at his house with the whole pack. Dean had gone to buy something to eat for everyone, Ethan had accompanied him.

- Stiles, you should rest your eyes a bit. Scott told him.

- When the meal will be there.

Isaac and Peter were healing when they arrived. They had been badly hurt. He would find out what creature had done this and how to destroy it.

He jumped when he felt hands on his shoulders.

- Come eat.

- Are you back already?

He saw his lover's frown.

- Stiles, I've been gone for almost 40 minutes.

He looked at his watch, he was lost in his translations.

- You're okay ?

- Yes.

He got up and went to join the others to eat.

- You are doing better ? he asked Isaac and Peter.

- Yes. We are completely healed now. replied Peter. Where are you?

- I think I found the creature, but the text is difficult to translate.

- You want me to ask Sam to help you? Proposed her lover.

- Do you think he could?

- Why not. He's always been very good at this sort of thing.

- We really have to stop mixing hunters in our business. Says Derek.

- The hunter can save your hairy butt and avenge your wolves. he retorted.

- I'm calling my brother. Said her man.


He had sent the scans of the difficult pages to Sam. Sam would call him when he found something. Despite everything, he continued his research in case he had missed something.

Dean, Scott and Ethan put away or brought back to Deaton the books he no longer needed.


He was going to get himself a drink when his father arrived.

- Dad, can we talk?

The latter looked at him, then at the pack and his man, before looking at him again and nodding in agreement.

- In the kitchen.


- I'm sorry dad, I...

- We told more lies.

- I am sorry.

- Besides, you make Scott lie. May I know what got into you? Why didn't you just tell me you had to see your boyfriend? Because he's older than you? Did he tell you to lie to me? If he's a bad influence on you, I won't accept him.

- What ?

- If it's his fault, I'll forbid you to see him again.

- You have no right !


Dean felt bad all of a sudden.

-You're okay ? You are suddenly pale. Isaac told him.

- I don't really know, I...

He clutched his chest.

- Stiles.

He got up to join him in the kitchen. He arrived just as his lover was saying...

- Don't do that daddy, I don't want to part with him.

- What did he do to you to say such a thing?

The father of her young lover saw him.

- You ! Your fault my son lied to me again.

- It's not his fault ! Stiles exclaimed.

- Why are you defending him so much?

- Because I love him.

- You're not in your normal state. What did you do to my son!

Stiles' dad had just grabbed his jacket collar.

- Nothing. I swear to you, I love her too much to do anything to her.

- You're lying. I forbid you to see him again.

- Dad, no.

- Enough son, you will listen to me and you, leave!

- No, dad, no. whispered her young lover.

- You, go away....Stiles!

Her young lover collapsed on the ground, he wanted to catch up with him, but his vision became blurred, then the black hole.

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