Chapitre 5

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Stiles sighs as he opens the closet.

-I'm almost out of chocolate, I can make you a cup this morning.

-It doesn't matter, we'll go to the village later. Dean tells him.

-The village ?

-You're getting senile and I'm the old one.

-I didn't say you were old, but that you were getting old, nuance.

-The fact is that you forgot the charming little village down the hill and not me.

A flash came to him, he remembered now.

- It's blueberry pie day.

-Ah you see, you remember.

- Well, let's have lunch and then we'll go shopping.

-Yes sir.

He couldn't remember how long he had been living here with Dean, but they had gotten used to it.

-Which car are we going there with?

-Your roscoe, I don't want to damage my baby.

-Hey! My Roscoe is also my baby.

-But your jeep is made to go down the mountain, not my impala.

He sighed.


-Don't smile like that, otherwise I'll forget to buy the chocolate.

- You wouldn't dare.

- Keep smiling proud of yourself and you'll see.


Dean stood up and moved behind Stiles.

He leaned over and hugged her shoulders.

-Rhoo, my little hamster.


Stiles, stand up. A small race took place in the apartment, but which ended quickly when he cornered him on the sofa.

-This position reminds me of the day I met you.

-Except that I didn't have a soft sofa under my back, but an old hard floor, with nails sticking out. On the other hand the second time, I had a bed.

- Said like that, it can be confusing. You just couldn't stand alcohol, if I had known your age before, I wouldn't have let you drink.

- But I needed it after all this history.

-I know.

It was the day after this alcoholic evening that they had decided to leave for Canada together, having had enough of all these monster hunts.

-Not that you're heavy, although you've gained weight since our first time in this position...


He tickled him.

-De..Dean...I can't take it anymore...

He stopped tickling him.

- So I said. Stiles resumed, catching his breath. That we should finish lunch.

-You are right.


They had just finished the few groceries they needed at the village grocery store. They were now going to the café/restaurant.

-Hello my darlings, will it be as usual? Hamburger fries with a slice of blueberry pie for dessert. A soda and a beer as a drink?

- That's right Nina. He replied, sitting down at a table.

Nina was the landlady and one of the waitresses. She had nicknamed them cute from the day she had met them. She thought of them as a couple, even if they had denied it. But on the other hand, it was true that they acted a bit like one. He would never act like he did with Stiles, with Sam.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a hand pass in front of his eyes.

-You're okay?

- More than good my little hamster.

- You are too cute, my cute ones. Said Nina putting their drinks in front of them.

He smiled amused to see the young man puff his cheeks, annoyed by the nickname, but blushed when he heard the words of the boss.


They had just returned to the chalet. Dean hadn't wanted him to carry the shopping bags then he had helped him put them away.

- Well, what do you want?

-Enough to? Can't I just be nice and helpful?

-Dean, I know you.

-Will you make me a hot chocolate?

He smiles.

- No need to pout your baby face.

-I don't pout baby.

-As I don't make hamster cheeks.

They stared at each other for a moment before smiling at each other.

- Go choose a movie while I make you your hot chocolate.

-Thanks Stiles, you're the best.

-I know I know.

He was happy with Dean, even if he hid what he felt for him, quite confused by these feelings that invaded him. He didn't want to go back to Beacon Hill, he wanted to live here forever with him.

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