Chapitre 4

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When Dean woke up he had a weight on his chest. He opened his eyes and saw Stiles asleep in his arms. He smiles. He was adorable. He saw that the blanket had fallen slightly, if he wasn't cold, Stiles serving him as a hot water bottle, he shouldn't be hot. Trying not to wake him up, he bent down to grab the plaid.
- What are you doing Scott?
- Scott? No, I'm ...
Stiles rubbed his eyes, then opened them, sitting up.
- Sorry, but you're so hot ....
He smiles.
-... that I thought was against him. Werewolves have a high internal temperature. It is true that he is less well built than you, but ...
He smiles a little more.
- Sorry, I really should learn to put a filter between my brain and my mouth.
- No, you're funny. Then if you weren't like that, I don't know if our roommate would go so well.
- Thank you.
-Don't thank him for that. By the way, am I comfortable?
- A real blanket. Okay, I'm gonna go make breakfast.
He had never smiled so much, he had never felt so good. He got up and went to the bathroom.
After showering and getting ready, he went down to the kitchen. Stiles was setting breakfast on the table. He didn't make pancakes.
-Tell me Dean, today, if we watch a movie? Because there is no way I will go back outside and try to transform myself into a snowman.
- A movie ? But where, there is no TV.
- We slept in front of her.
He got up and went to the living room. Opposite the sofa was the TV, the fireplace was in the corner. -What...
He returned to the kitchen.
- It wasn't like that last night.
-Dean, it's been like that since our arrival. We just preferred the glow of the fireplace to get to know each other better.
- Oh yes it's true.
They sat down and had lunch.
They had just watched a comedy, they were changing DVD.
- No, Stile, everything, but not that.
- Why ? Are you afraid of clowns?
-Yes, no, I ....
- Okay, no clowns, so ...
He took out the Maze runner DVD.
-I prefer. He put the DVD on, then sat down next to Dean.
- The bottle is empty, I will ...
He was about to get up, but his roommate stopped him.
- I go. You want something ?
- Chocolate and salty snacks.
- I'll bring you this ... My little hamster.
He took the pillow and threw it at her. That made Dean laugh. The latter called him that since he had swelled his cheeks while pouting in annoyance. Dean hadn't wanted to watch Star Wars. This moment had made him think of Scott, his best friend had not yet seen this movie.
- Here my ...
- I can still put the movie about the clowns.
-It's better.
It was covered with bags of all kinds for him, and a teasing smile on his lips for Dean, that they put on the second film.
He smiles when he wakes up. They had once again fallen asleep against each other on the sofa. He got up as slowly as possible, but he lost his balance and fell heavily on Dean.
- Outch ... This is awakening.
- Sorry.
- We really have to get to our beds at night, I have one of those back pain.
- You're getting old.
- What I ?
He burst out laughing before leaving for the stairs, Dean chasing him.

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