Chapitre 11

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Two weeks. Fifteen days since Dean left Stiles. He didn't think it was possible for someone to miss you so much, yet it was the case, he wanted to see his young lover again and take him in his arms. Unfortunately, on the way to California, they had found cases to hunt.

They were at the motel, he was sitting on his bed watching a movie, well, his mind wasn't on the movie, but on the fair-skinned, mole-strewn young man.

-Do you still think about him?

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his brother. He had told her what had happened in her world during her coma, he had confessed to her his love for a young man of seventeen.


- Could you contact him?

-I do not know his name. All I know is that he lives in Beacon Hill and his father is the sheriff... The sheriff, with that we can find his name and...

He sighed and then slumped a little more.

-And what? What do you have ?

-Scott has our number, if Stiles wanted to call me, he would ask his best friend for our number. If he hasn't, he's forgotten me.

He had thought of this possibility, it was painful, but possible. His brother squeezed his left shoulder.

-Maybe he had some trouble, you should call him first;

-Yes maybe.

He bit his lower lip, arms crossed for a few seconds before straightening up and picking up the computer.


Stiles sighed for the umpteenth time. He could manage on his own now, he had resumed a normal life and even high school. He had caught up with his races and was maintaining a good level.

"Stiles, are you still mad at me?" Scott asked him coming to his side.


-You're lying, you don't even look me in the eyes.

He sighed then looked at his best friend.

-I'm sorry Stiles.

-I know.

-I didn't think to save Sam's number, I just called him when I arrived. Then mechanically, I erased it.

-I know.

-I am really sorry.

He sighed and took him in his arms.

-It's good I tell you, I don't blame you anymore. Then if Dean wanted to call me, he can find my number in the directory.

-Maybe he doesn't remember your name?

- He knows that my father is a sheriff.

-You said he was a hunter, they must have work, then we don't know where they were.

- Either he doesn't want me anymore, or he has forgotten me.

-I'm sure you'll hear from him soon.

- Thanks Scott.

-Good the inseparable ones, here we go. Said Isaac.

They smile at each other before following the curly liup to class.


-I'm sure it's an ogre, or a monster that eats nice boys like me. Ethan said.

-Don't exaggerate, he wasn't terrible. Said Isaac.

"Are you kidding, even Harries was nicer," Stiles asked.

-I give him reason, this new professor is horrible. We should keep an eye on him.

He was able to talk, to laugh with Ethan and Isaac, but it had taken him a while.

-What are you talking about?

-From the new teacher my heart.

A new romance was born without him seeing it coming. Jackson was back from London and was dating Ethan.


Coming out of high school, he froze when he saw the person in front of his jeep. He descended the stairs slowly, afraid to dream, but when Scott asked him what he was waiting for to join him, he knew it was reality, so he ran into the arms of his lover.


He lifted her face and kissed her.

-I missed you. Dean tells him.

-I missed you too.

Once again, her lover kissed her.

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