Chapitre 13

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Dean was there, lying naked on that motel bed, Stiles naked on top of him kissing his neck as he stroked her back with his left hand and her hair with his right hand.

- By the way, did you call your brother to tell him that you had arrived safely? He must be worried like you got on the plane.

- No, it's true, I didn't think about it, I only had you in mind.

He saw him smile and then bite his bottom lip. He slipped his right hand on his young lover's left cheek and put his thumb on the tortured lip.

- Stop doing that, you don't know what it does to me.

-I know it very well.

He tilted his head and kissed her. He slid his left hand to his younger brother's right buttock and fingered him to slip a finger between, but he frowned when Stiles pushed him away.

-Call your brother first.

He sighed.

-You lose nothing for waiting.

-I should hope so.

He swung his head back, saying that he had to stop himself from taking it at the second to call his little brother.

-You don't move.

Stiles smiled at him and started sucking on his chest above his tattoo. He took a deep breath as he picked up his phone.

-Hey Sam.

-Dean, damn it! You're okay? Everything went well?

-Yes. Luckily the flight didn't last too long. I arrived safely and if I was late calling it's because I found Stiles.

He heard her sigh in relief.

-Good. See you in a few days, a week at the most if I don't come across another investigation, but I'll let you know.

-Okay, take your time.

He bit his lip to keep from moaning at the pleasure he felt. In addition to sucking her skin, her young lover moved his pelvis against hers.

-Say hi to Stiles.

-It will be done.

He hung up.

-I'll make you pay for this.

He grabbed her neck and kissed her passionately before making them change position, he was now on top of him.


Stiles didn't want to leave, but he had to be home before his dad got back from his shift. Wanting to enjoy each other as much as possible, his eldest had ordered two pizzas for the meal, and they had stayed in bed.

But it was getting late, he had to leave. He kissed his lover's bare chest again.

-I will have to go.

-When will we see each other again? Dean asked him.

-Deamin, but I don't know what time yet.

-I'll give you my number.

He got up and handed her his phone so he could record it, meanwhile he got dressed.


-I'm calling to tell you the time.

- Let me know when you're home.


He leaned over and kissed her.

-I love you Dean.

-I love you too.

It was stronger than him, he had to tell her. He kissed her again before leaving the room.


He couldn't take it anymore, this lesson was torture. He was even sure that the professor had the power to delay the hands of the clock. His right leg kept jerking.

When the bell finally rang, he put his stuff in his bag and almost ran off. He nearly sprawled in the hallway, but he didn't hit the tiles thanks to his best friend's wolf abilities.

-I think Dean wants to take advantage of you whole, not with a cast or two.

-Thank you. I know, but I yearn to find him. I need to see him, to be in his arms, to...

-I believe that I have understood. Smiled Scott. But that's no reason to run like that /

-You are right.

They had arrived at his jeep while talking and walking normally.

-See you on Monday. Pay attention to the road.

- Thanks Scott. See you Monday.

He got into his jeep and left for his lover's motel where he would spend his weekend, his father thinking he was at Scott's.

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