Chapitre 6

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Stiles watched Dean sleeping against him, his eldest had fallen asleep during the movie. He didn't feel like getting up, he lay down against him, while placing the plaid on both of them.


He wrinkled his nose as he felt something tickle him.

-Scott, stop it.

-This is the second time you've called me Scott.

He opened his eyes and blushed, he was very close to Dean's face. He backed up and sat down.

-Sorry. He's my best friend, we often sleep together. Every time, since he's been a werewolf, he has to put his nose in my neck. I never asked why, even though I'm curious, but I made my own answers. And I prefer not to have his answer depending on what it means, because either he appreciates my smell which reassures him, or I smell good for his wolf side and he wants to eat me.

Dean burst out laughing.

-The discussion would be an embarrassing one for sure.

He suddenly realized one thing.

- You woke up before me.

-Long before yourself.

-Why didn't you wake me up before?

- You slept too well.

Dean caressed his left cheek, a simple brush from under his eye to the tip of his chin, but it confused him. Embarrassed, his cheeks flushed, he stood up.


-I'm going to cook breakfast.


Dean was also embarrassed, he didn't know why he had done that. Even with his latest conquest, he had never had such a gentle gesture. This boy disturbed him enormously and that since their meeting. He had even pretended to be asleep just to enjoy the comfort he felt when they slept together. He didn't understand himself.

He sat with his head forward, his face in his hands. He closed his eyes as he felt Stiles' thin, but warm hand resting on the back of his neck.

-Dean? How's it going?


He had never felt so good.

-Are you sure? You are a little pale.

-Maybe hunger.

- So stand up, come and eat.


Scott was exhausted, but he wouldn't leave his best friend's bedside for anything in the world. He had rested beside him, his ear close to his heart to make sure it was still beating.

He wanted so much. Noah, Stiles' dad told him that he only wanted to save his son, that he had no reason to blame himself. Despite everything, it was he who had bitten Sriles to eliminate the nogitsune. So it was his fault that his best friend was in a coma. He hadn't left the Stilinski home for a fortnight. Unable to bring him to the hospital, he was in his room, Deaton and his mother taking care of the care.

-Scott, go eat and wash, I stay with him.

He couldn't contradict his best friend's father, so he got up and left the room. He and the sheriff knew he would be back in less than twenty minutes.


- Still nothing, sorry.

Sam sighed. Castiel still didn't know how to wake Dean. Since they had exorcised him, his brother had been unconscious. They didn't understand what had gone wrong.

They had been in the same motel for two weeks, the same room, waiting for his brother to wake up.

- You should go to sleep.

-If he ever wakes up at this time?

-I'll wake you up Sam.

He nodded and lay down on the second bed, sideways, looking at his big brother one last time before closing his eyes.

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