Chapter 10: Destiny Defied

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Quick A/N: Woo boy. The next to last chapter. This was a little hard to write since I honestly wasn't planning to write this chapter at all and instead would've made it shorter and combined it with the last one, but the prequel idea certainly changed it all. If this seems rushed or not my usual writing style, I'm sorry, I kinda rushed myself on this and needed to tie up some loose ends, so my apologies if it's not the best. Anyways, I kept y'all enough so here's the next to last chapter! (Unless you don't count epilogues) Have a great day and enjoy :)


They have done it. The battle was won. Ylisse was saved. Robin freed himself from his cruel fate. Grima was sealed away. Validar was killed.

Robin was panting. He couldn't believe what he just did. Was it even right? He kept telling himself that it had to be done, that if he didn't kill Validar, he would've been re-summoned into the void to merge with Grima.

But does that still justify killing his own father?

Whatever the answer was, Robin wanted to get out of the Dragon's Table as soon as possible. He turned around and rushed to the door, not saying a word to Chrom or even Lucina. Lucina chased after him but Chrom waited for a moment before following.

Robin and Lucina walked in silence together. Lucina didn't know what to even say. She took his hand into hers and slightly squeezed it. Robin let out a content sigh to at least let Lucina know that he was ok as he could be. He just killed his father, he wasn't really that ok.

Robin stopped at the front door of the Dragon's Table. He exhaled deeply before pushing the doors open. The light from outside engulfed him that he had to shield his face until his eyes adjusted a little. The Shepard's that joined Chrom all heard the doors slam open and turned around to see who it was.

When Cynthia saw her sister, she teared up and ran over to her sister as fast as she could. "LUCY! YOU'RE OK!!" She cried. Lucina gasped at the sight of her sister since she was surprised she was able to come on the rescue mission. Cynthia tripped over herself and Lucina quickened her pace. Lucina assisted her sister back up on her feet but was met with a hug from Cynthia that forced both of them back onto the ground.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't help you that night! I thought I lost you!" Cynthia sobbed. Lucina tightly returned the hug from her sister.

"It's ok, it's ok. I'm alive and that's all that matters right now." Lucina replied calmly.

"But still, if I was able to help that night... maybe we wouldn't be in this mess..." Cynthia lamented.

"It's alright Cynthia. Trust your sister." Sumia said as she approached her daughters. Lucina hugged her mother tightly and Sumia teared up as well.

"Don't scare me like that again you dummy!" Severa scolded. Lucina laughed at her best friend's attempt at showing tough love. Severa sighed. "But, I am glad my bestie is safe."

"So the evil in now vanquished and good will triumph!" Owain cheered. "History shall always remember thy names of-"

"Cut it out." Severa groaned. Owain pouted for a moment and Severa playfully pushed him.

As Lucina was reunited with her friends and family, Robin used this time as a way to head out. He clearly didn't feel like he was still wanted, even after what he did on this rescue mission. As he walked away, the last person he expected to call him out stopped him.

"Robin." It was Chrom. This could be a disaster. "I'd like to speak with you." Chrom said in a stern fatherly tone.

"Y-yeah? S-sure I guess..." Robin stuttered. "I mean, yes of course your majesty." Robin corrected. "But I would like to say I'm sorry-" Robin started but Chrom put his hand up to signal him to stop talking.

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