Chapter 4: Confessions

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A/N: it's time for the S-support! Woo! Sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while, a lot is going on in my personal life plus I've been working on other stories I'll add here later. And the art above is one I've made for this AU! Anyways, enjoy! 


Robin was humming to himself while he was walking through the Plegian castles "garden". To call it that was an understatement. All it had was a gravel path with a few beds of flowers lining it and a worn out moss covered stone bench in the back. All the flowers were dark colors, mostly to represent the kingdoms state at the moment and dark nature in general. These won't do. He thought to himself.

Why is Robin in the garden? Well, after weeks of putting it off, he finally decided to tell Lucina how he felt. He's known her for almost 2 months now but couldn't help falling in love with her. Granted this was his first friend in a while, however, he was certain that this was it. Being with her felt different than the vague childhood memories of knowing two certain dark mages that at the time he considered friends. (However, shortly after his father was appointed head sorcerer and had to move away from his dark mage friends.)

Robins plan was to invite her to the place where they first met to tell her there. He was going to give her a bouquet of flowers that he can only assume where her favorites or close enough to them. Hopefully she would accept/feel the same way, because if not, he would certainly want to be hidden from the world forever.

Robin couldn't find something that he thought Lucina would like. He turned back to the palace to think of something else, but something caught his eye on the way out. In the flower bed, next to some black daisies where 3 solid white ones. They stood out from the rest being the only light flower in the field of dark ones. He studied them for a moment. These are perfect. He thought.

He mainly picked them because they kinda reminded him of Lucina. A different Princess from the rest. While others were concerned about boys or their appearances, Lucina wasn't like that. She would rather spend her time with a sword than with royal duties. She stood out, in a good way, just like these flowers. Robin took out a dagger from his coat pocket and carefully cut them from the ground.

Robin also took a spool of string from another pocket and bound the flowers together so he wouldn't loose any of them. He smiled to himself. This could be the best day of his life so far. Or worse, depending on Lucina's answer. Robin ignored the bad thoughts trying to form for the time being. He dug inside one of his deep coat pockets for the tome that had his teleportation spell. He opened it, thought of the field, and murmured the spell before teleporting away. And no, he did not pass out on the field this time.

Robin made sure to arrive earlier than the time he requested so he could mentally rehearse what he wanted to say one last time. Thought, in the back of his mind he knew it wasn't going to work because he's such a dork and would mess up before he would finish his first sentence.

He was pacing back and forth, whispering what he was going to say in his head. He was interrupted by footsteps in the grass. He turned around to find Lucina. She wasn't wearing her usual attire of a black long sleeved shirt and leggings with a blue and yellow tunic, but a light grey dress with a dark blue center, almost like it was an apron of sorts. Man is she beautiful. Robin thought with a goofy grin.

Lucina smiled when she saw Robin. She ran up to him and hugged him and he welcomed her into his arms. "Hello Lucina." Robin said as he held her tighter.

"Hello Robin, fancy seeing you here." Lucina said. She slightly broke away from the embrace, but they were still close. Robin knew that Lucina was going to come to field of their first meeting from Cynthia after one of their meetings where she followed them and told Robin what she planned to do. So far, his plan was working.

"Actually, your sister told me that you would be here so I followed you." Robin said. Lucina sighed, probably at slight annoyance at her sister but was nonetheless was glad that she did tell Robin for the company. He quickly took the flowers from one of the pockets in his coat. "I wanted to give you these."

He handed Lucina the flowers. Her face lit up. "Oh, Robin, did you pick these for me? They're absolutely beautiful." She took a deep breath to take in the smell. "And they smell heavenly!"

"I'm glad you like them."

"But, please tell me Robin, what are we celebrating?"

"Nothing really, I just thought you wanted some cheer." The tactician replied, stroking her long blue hair.

"You shouldn't worry about me so.." Lucina said, she looked down at the ground.

This is it Robin, tell her how you feel. Robin thought. He lifted Lucina's chin with one of his hands to Mii have her face him. "It's no trouble. I... You're a dear friend, and I want to do anything I can do to help."

Lucina slightly smiled, but didn't say anything.

"Actually, I'm not being entirely honest. You ARE dear to me, one of my best friends I've had, but.."

Lucina's face dropped a little, expecting the worse. "But...?" She asked worriedly.

"But you are much more than that, much more!" Robin said, slowly sounding more excited. "I didn't pick that bouquet just to cheer you up, I did it because..." he took a deep breath and smiled. "Because I'm in love with you."

Lucina let out a slight gasp. "What?"

"Lucina, I fell hopelessly in love with you. I tried not to, but I couldn't help it!"

"Oh Robin.."

"We've been through so much, and I know many trials still await us, but no matter what happened or is what to come, my feelings cannot change." Robin said. He cupped Lucina's hands into his, careful not to crush the flowers he gave her. "I love you Lucina. With all my heart."

There was a slight silence. Robin mentally prepared for the worst, for potential rejection. Lucina smiled and looked him in the eyes.

"Robin, I'm so glad you told me this." She started. "Because you're in my heart as well."

Robin beamed. He picked Lucina off her feet and twirled her around. "Truly? Oh those must be the sweetest words I've ever heard!" He said as he set Lucina back down. He held her close. "Lucina, I promise you, not matter what, I will be here for you. Whatever road you choose to follow, I shall follow it by your side!"

Lucina smiled brightly as she held Robins hands in her own. "And we won't rest until we reach the end, together!"

Robin was grinning ear to ear. This was certainly the best day of his life so far. He leaned in closer. He softly planted his lips on hers and they kissed. When they parted, Lucina whispered into her love's ears. "I love you, and no matter what the future holds, I'm going to cherish every moment."

They kissed again, this time a little more passionately. They didn't say much for a while, they just lived in the moment. It wasn't too long before a realization dawned on Lucina.

"Wait, how am I supposed to tell my father about this?" Lucina asked worriedly.

Robin tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "It's going to be alright. I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll come tomorrow to let your father know." He said. He kissed Lucina's forehead.

"I hope it'll be ok." She said.

The two walked hand in hand to wander around the forest for a while before they returned to their respective kingdoms. Little did they know that a dark and hidden figure was watching the whole thing transpire. 


That's chapter 4! Things are going to get spicy starting the next chapter. (Aka when the plot gets good) The next update won't be for a while since my life is still crazy. (thanks Covid 🙄) Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed and I'll see y'all next time! 

~Sylvie 🌸

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