Chapter 8: Betrayed Ties

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The walk towards the Dragon's Table was long. Robin spent the whole evening and night on his journey. Early the next morning, he approached a town. He needed tomes and swords to fight his father. Robin stopped by a shop that sold a variety of magic tomes and weapons along with healing items.

Robin bought a thoron, Arcfire, and Elwind tome. As he was about to pay with the few gold coins he had in his coat pocket, something caught his eye. On the back shelf, there was a sword shaped like a lightning bolt that was glittering and Robin could've sworn that it was also emitting tiny lightning sparks. "Excuse me, is that sword for sale?" He asked the merchant.

"That one? It's a rare magic sword called the Levin Sword. They're hard to come by. So if you want it that'll be.... hmm.... 500 more gold." The redhead merchant answered. 500 more gold?! That's a ripoff! He checked his coat pocket to see if he had any more gold left. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have much left. Only about 150 left. Robin sighed.

"Take back the Elwind tome, I'll take the sword and the other 2 tomes." He said as he forked over his remaining coins. The merchant stored the Elwind tome away and carefully took the Levin Sword from the back shelf. She handed the 3 items to Robin.

"Thanks for doing business with ya." She said. Robin stored the tomes in his overly large pockets and the sword on his belt.

Now he was ready.

Robin spent the rest of the day walking on to the Dragon's Table. By nightfall, he could see the large castle like structure in the distance. Luckily, he's way ahead of Chrom's army. He can rescue Lucina first thing in the morning. He made a temporary camp that just consisted of a small fire for warmth. He went to sleep, praying that no bandit would rob or even kill him while he was sleeping.

Robin had a hard time sleeping. It took him forever to fall asleep despite the relaxing sound of the wind. Once he did fall asleep, he woke up every hour. Repeat the cycle until sunrise and you have Robin on this day. Before Robin continued his trek, he turned back to go to the last village to grab a bite to eat. A genius tactician can't operate on an empty stomach.

After the slight detour, Robin officially started the last leg of his journey. But it's this last leg that would really count. If he messed up here, it's game over. Naga help me now. Robin thought many times over in his head. It took him longer than expected to reach the table approach. Or it was the expected time and he was too anxious which made time go by slower.

Unfortunately for him, there were multiple Grimleal guards guarding the entrance to the castle-like structure. It would be harder for him to get it, since it was widely known in the Grimleal community that Prince Robin, the son of both the country's and religion's leader, was an active resister of the cult, despite his purpose for the group. Being a potential vessel for the dragon that could destroy the world and annihilate the human race would definitely be a turn down to following said cult.

Maybe there could be a way to sneak in? Maybe he could renounce his rebellion and pledge to be a Grimleal, only to backstab the cult? Either way, it would be a while before he would be able to even get close to Lucina because he had to think of a plan first.

Delaying his raid further, he sat down on a rock and started to think of potential plans. After a while, he came up with a plan that he thought was perfect. He would put his hood up to make him look more shady and mysterious. That's the vibe one could guess the vessel for their destruction god dragon would take, right? He then would claim to have turned over a new leaf and that he has accepted the ways of the Grimleal. Finally, he would wander around until he found Lucina, rescue her, and then as a result prove himself. It was flawless.

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