Chapter 2: Our Little Secret

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Robin was once again at his desk, staring at a blank piece of paper. He thought writing a letter to a new friend would be easier. Then again, this was his first friend. Robin wasn't really allowed to go out into the town to make friends when he was little. If he was lucky to meet someone at the palace when his father served King Gangrel, they didn't stay long and mysteriously disappeared a few days later.

It was safe to say that Robin had little social skills.

He sighed. By no means would this letter be perfect, but he grabbed a quill and started writing whatever came to his mind.

Lucina sat in the throne room while another suitor was trying to woo her. She zoned out multiple times and didn't even know what the guy in front of her was talking about. Once he finished, she politely told him to leave and that she'll "think about" his date offer.

Once he was gone, Lucina ran up to her room and shut the door. She heard a tap on her balcony door and rushed to it. There, a white owl with a rolled up piece of paper on its feet stood on the outside door handle. It was tapping the door with its beak.

Lucina opened the door and untied the paper from the birds talons. The small owl continued to obediently sit on the door handle. Lucina unrolled the paper and it was a letter from Robin. Her heart fluttered when saw Robins signature at the end and she began to read the letter with excitement.

My dear Lucina,

I apologize in advance if this letter isn't as good as you hoped. I'm still fairly new to this whole friendship thing. Gods I don't even know what to write I'm that bad at this. I guess I'm just wondering how you are and how the suitor business is treating you. If anyone treats you badly, just tell me where they are and I'll teach them a lesson with my magic. (This is merely just a jest, however, I wouldn't mind actually doing it.) Alas, I don't know what else to say so I'll leave you to do whatever you were doing before you read this.

Your friend,

Prince Robin

P.S: Write back soon and when you do, just tie your letter to the owls foot and tell her to come back to me.

Despite the letter being short, Lucina read it over and over again, taking in the writing. Once she read it enough, she went over to her desk, took out a quill, an ink pot, and a piece of writing paper and immediately started to write her response.

The next morning, Robin awoke to a pounding at his door. "ROBIN! WHERE IS THAT PLAN?!" Someone yelled through the door. Robin put his pillow over his head to try and block the noise but it was no use. Half awake, he trudged out of bed and opened his door to see his father, King Validar, clearly angry at his son. "Robin, where is that kidnapping plot I assigned to you yesterday afternoon? You should have finished it by now... right?"

Robin went from half awake to fully awake when he heard his father mentioned that assignment he had last night. He was too love sick to say the least to even think about it. Now that he knew the Princess, there was no way he would even formulate a plan for his fathers wicked ideals.

Robin sighed. "No sir, I haven't even thought of anything." Robin half regretfully said.

"Tsk, should've expected less. I'll just have Aversa take care of the plan instead." Validar said. He turned around to head back to who knows where in the castle. "Just so you know son, you're too soft hearted to run this country. I thought by making you lead tactician would help you with getting used to running the kingdom, however, that clearly hasn't worked." He said before slamming Robin's door.

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