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"Lucina! How do I look?" Cynthia asked her sister excitedly. She was wearing a fancy lilac colored princess dress that fell to her knees. The dress also had loose, lace sleeves that drooped over her shoulders and a tule skirt that twirled around when she moved around. It may have been a little childish for someone who was almost an adult, but it was made so she would have the lowest chance of tripping over herself as possible.

"You look adorable sister." Lucina answered as she smoothed out her long, white dress. Today was going to be the best day of her life. It was the day where she married her one true love, Robin.

Sumia had to hold back tears as she marveled at her daughters. Well, she was a mother about to marry off one of them, of course she would feel emotional. "You 2 are absolutely beautiful." She said. Sumia put the rose hairpin in Lucina's hair next to her tiara headband.

"Thank you mother." Lucina said, trying to not sound so emotional. It wasn't like she was leaving her family. In fact, she was staying and Robin would be taking permanent residence at the Castle Ylisse while leaving Plegia in the hands of someone else who was more than capable to lead the country back to the light.

Sumia glanced at the old grandfather clock. "Oh my, look at the time! We need to head on out!" Sumia said. Cynthia rushed around the room looking for her flat shoes but ended up tripping over her own 2 feet.

"Cynthia! Are you ok?" Lucina asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Cynthia said. Lucina helped her sister back onto her feet and Cynthia fetched her shoes. "I'm ready!" She declared excitedly.

Though the walk down from the royal chambers to the cathedral wasn't really that long, it felt like forever for Lucina. She was both nervous and excited, though she felt more of the latter. The next few minutes couldn't come soon enough.

Once they approached the cathedral's large door, Chrom was waiting for them. Sumia and Cynthia left Lucina with her father as they went on inside.

"Nervous huh?" Chrom asked.

Lucina nodded slightly. "A little." She answered. "What if I mess up or worse? What if I get completely stood up and-" Lucina wondered out loud.

"Everything will be fine." Chrom interrupted to prevent her from going off the deep-end. "The 2 of you love each other. There is no way that this could end badly."

Lucina let out a nervous laugh from all the emotions swirling around her. "Were you ever this nervous when you and mother got married?" Lucina asked.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't." Chrom answered. "But, the fact that I was marrying the love of my life was more than enough to quell my nerves. I'm sure the same can go for you."

Lucina nodded. The music inside the cathedral started up. Chrom extended his arm and Lucina took it. Chrom leaned in and whispered something into Lucina's ear. "You got this sweetheart."

The guards from the inside opened the doors to the cathedral. Lucina and Chrom walked in. Everyone's eyes where on the bride. Lucina was slightly overwhelmed at the sheer amount of people who showed up, who came to support her. Her friends where closer to the front with Cynthia and Severa as her bridesmaids at the very front next to the alter.

Cynthia gave Lucina a happy thumbs up and Severa smirked slightly. Lucina acknowledged them with a content nod but then averted her gaze slightly to the right where Robin stood. He was fidgeting with his coat cuffs. At least they were both nervous.

However, the moment he saw Lucina, his fears melted away. He grinned a little too goofily and it made Lucina chuckle under her breath. He was such a dork and she loved that. Lucina and Chrom reached the end of the aisle. Chrom gingerly took one of Lucina's hand and placed it in Robin's.

"Take good care of her." Chrom whispered.

"I promise I will." Robin whispered back.

As the priest, Libra, started his speech about love and what this marriage really symbolizes, Robin and Lucina couldn't avert their eyes from each other. It felt like they were the only 2 people on the planet and nothing else matters.

"Do you, Robin of Plegia, take Lucina to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Libra asked after he finished his speech and whatnots.

"I do." Robin answered with full confidence.

"And do you, Princess Lucina of Ylisse, take Robin to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Lucina said happily.

"And now in the power bestowed upon me and the divine dragon Naga, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Libra said.

Not a moment after he finished up, Robin and Lucina kissed passionately. This was not the end of their journey together, but only the beginning, for fate could have much more in store

~The End~


A/N: Wow, so it's finished  I never thought I could actually finish a story. Maybe the fact that it was actually on a website gave my motivation to actually write it lol. Anyways, because I don't want to take up too much of your time here, I'm going to put a closing remarks page basically just saying my thanks and announcing what's next. Check it out if ya want. If not, that is completely ok. I thank you so much for reading this if you're first reading is when it's completed or for sticking with me if you were reading it while it was still a work in progress. I love you all and have a wonderful day! 

~ The Artist Sylveon 🌸

(Yes the art above is done by me, although months ago lol)

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