Chapter 1: Fated Meeting

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Lucina rode for probably over an hour when she was content to where she was. She was in a field, with slightly tall grass swaying in the wind. Wildflowers occasionally spotted the field and in other spots there were weeds. Lucina took in the scene and took a deep breath. Yep, this is it. She thought to herself.

Lucina dismounted her horse on the edge of the field and instructed it to stay in the relative area. She walked forward for a while before spinning around for a second. Her white and blue casual day dress twirled as she spun. Despite never being very girly, it felt nice to be alone and free.

Free from royal duties, stress, and suitors.

She continued to happily walk around, taking in the beauty. She made a mental note to remember where this place was so she could escape more often. In her little stroll, something, or rather someone caught her attention.

Robin knew immediately that the teleportation spell he used didn't exactly work 100%. When he would see random places flashing in his mind, that was the first hint. Usually when he used the spell, he focused on the one place and it was the only image that flashed in his mind. It was probably due to the fact that he didnt even know where he wanted to teleport that so many places came to mind.

With all the images, both from his own memory and pictures in books he had read, flashing rapidly through his mind, Robin got dizzy quick. He felt like he was falling and the images stopped. Instead, only one stayed. One of a bright field with the occasional wildflower and weed. There was a slightly mysterious blue-haired figure that turned around before Robin's mind went dark.

Lucina then approached what looked like an unconscious man who looked around her age, maybe two to three years older, with bright white hair and a distinct looking coat. She bent down slightly—although mostly alone, she had to retain her princess manners—and tried to awake the mysterious person. "I have to do something, but I don't know what I should do." Lucina wondered outloud.

Robin slowly opened his eyes to see the blue-haired girl from the image of the field from his mind before he fell unconscious. Once she noticed he was awake, a soft smile came to her face.

"Ah, I see you're awake now." She happily said. "There are better places to take a nap than on the ground you know." Lucina quoted the exact words her father would say to her when she would collapse from exhaustion after sword training. She extended her hand. "Here, give me your hand."

Robin slowly took it, still a little shaken from the sudden teleport. When he grasped her hand, it gave him a warm sensation that he never felt before. Lucina helped Robin up back onto his feet. He wiped the dust off of his coat. "Thank you." Robin said.

Robin studied Lucina's face. He swore he saw it before. Yet, he doesn't remember meeting her at all. Maybe he saw her in pictures or passing by. He caught a glimpse of her left eye and saw something strange. A mark of some-sort. It dawned on him suddenly. This was a member of the Ylissen royal family! But why was she out here?

Lucina's smile slowly faded to a sudden embarrassment. "Oh gods, what am I doing forgetting my manners. And I'm supposed to be a princess...." She mumbled to herself.

So she is Ylissen royalty. Robin noted, confirming his suspicion.

Lucina curtseyed. "I am Princess Lucina of Ylisse, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said. She looked relieved when she was done with her princess introduction. No doubt she didn't like it, however force of habit made her do it now, even though her parents weren't present.

Robin nodded. "Nice to meet you princess. I'm Robin" Robin said. He mentally debated whether or not to say if he was the prince or not. Not many people outside of Plegia knew of his existence. He was always left in the shadows, only to be silent while his father ran the show. He took a deep breath. "Prince Robin. Of Plegia."

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