Chapter 6: The Plan

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Robin spent the whole day trying to think of a plan to escape and warn Lucina. All of his tomes were confiscated, so he couldn't use magic. He tried knocking down the door, but he wasn't the best as physical fighting and wasn't even able to make a dent. Jumping from his window wasn't option either, for it was a 30 foot drop and without magic, Robin would've been injured.

He was outsmarted.

He settled on just writing a letter to Lucina. It wasn't the best option, but it would work. Unbeknownst to him, this would only be the start of an adventure that would change his life forever.

Meanwhile, the next morning in Ylisse, Cynthia was finally starting to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes to find her very concerned parents looking over her and even her Aunt Lissa and Cousin Owain in the corner of her eyes. When Sumia saw her youngest daughter's eyes flutter open, she quickly hugged her. "Thank Naga you're ok Cynthia!" Sumia cried.

Chrom cleared his throat. "As much as I'm also glad that Cynthia is awake and ok, we need to address the elephant in the room." He said. "What happened with Lucina?"

Cynthia looked down, took a deep breath, and exhaled. "Ok, I'll tell you what I know. Yesterday, after you guys senselessly yelled at her, she got a letter that was supposedly from Robin. It told her to meet him by the forested entrance at night. I went with her just in case if what you said was true.

"However, when we got there, it turns out the letter was forged and sent by King Validar. Once we figured out it was a trap, Lucina ordered me to escape to warn you guys about the danger. She tried to hold him off until you guys could come, but she wasn't strong enough. She was defeated...." Cynthia continued. She tested up and almost couldn't go on. "I was too worried for her to leave her behind. By the time I got back.. she was already unconscious. Validar teleported away with her.

"I couldn't help her!" Cynthia cried. "If only I was able to help her, if only I would've brought a small lance or anything like that, she wouldn't have been kidnapped!" She cried into Sumia's shoulders. Sumia held her daughter close and Chrom even joined the embrace. "I failed to be a hero...."

"Peace, Cynthia, peace." Chrom said. "It will be ok. We'll find her." Cynthia nodded with a sniff. "We'll organize countless search parties and patrols to search the whole land."

"Thanks father." Cynthia said. "Can I please have a few moments to myself? I'll come down when I'm ready." Cynthia asked.

Sumia nodded. "You rest however long you want to, love." She hugged her daughter one last time before heading on out with Chrom and the others.

Cynthia sat for a moment, alone in her thoughts. She was still in shock of it all. All she wanted was her sister back.

While in her thoughts, Cynthia heard a slight tapping noise outside. She ran up to the doors leading to her balcony and looked around to see what was causing the noise. She saw a familiar owl near Lucina's balcony. Cynthia waved over to the owl, signaling it to come to her. The owl surprisedly obeyed.

Cynthia noticed the letter tied to the owl. She untied the twine that bound it to its feet. Cynthia didn't like the idea of snooping in her sisters personal business, but it was necessary to help save her. She scanned the letter. It was from Robin. It was about what happened to him and how he wasn't able to make it the pervious night.

Cynthia gasped under her breath. Robin had no clue what was going on. She had to tell Robin quickly. Sure she could send a letter, but she couldn't run the risk of it being intercepted. There was only one option, go to Plegia herself.

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