Closing Remarks

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Woo boy, I actually finished a story. This is still such a big feat for me since I rarely finish stories lol. Anyways, this first part is just going to be my sappy thanks so if you want to skip that, go on ahead until the bold where I announce a couple new projects that I will be focusing on now since Star-Crossed Fates is wrapped up!

I said it a couple times and I'll say it again: Thank you all SO FREAKING MUCH. The support on here is unreal and I am so happy. I never really published my stories until now in fear that either I'll never finish them or people won't like it. At first, all I would be content with would be for it to crack 100 reads but boy you guys blew that out of the water. As of wrapping this up, we have over 600 reads and that just blows my mind. It's not as high as other stories about this game on this site, but it really just blew my expectations out of the water.

About the story in general, I never really expected the story to go in the direction it ended it going. Usually for my stories I have a rough idea and build on that, but for this one I just winged it and the story ended up being more about Robin than Lucina. Not gonna lie, I really liked the direction it took and how I came up with a prequel idea to turn this into a series. 

Ok, now I'm done with all the sappiness. Now, I'll quickly talk about my upcoming projects.

So, obviously, I will be starting the prequel known as Star-Crossed Beginnings. My other 2 projects that are already on here will still be worked on, but it will be more passive and still be worked on during down time during school. 

As for new projects, I'm still planning on the modern FE crossover. It will have to take a backseat for now until Star-Crossed Beginnings is up. I also have a couple more ideas being 3 whole new stories based on some non-FE related series.

The first is Endless Twilight. It is a fanfic on what would life be like for Roxas, Xion, and Axel (or Lea, whichever name floats your boat) after they reunited at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3. It would be more similar to my Blue Lions stories being just simple one shots and short stories. 

The second is a Genshin Impact one called Adventure Buddies. It would be little adventures that are not a part from the main story with the female traveler Lumine and my favorite character Kayea. Still figuring out if I want to write it or not, but I should have an idea soon.

That's all I have for now. Again, that you all so so much for reading this story. It means the world to me. As always, I love you guys and have a wonderful day :)

~ The Artist Sylveon 🌸

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