Chapter 9: I Challenge My Fate

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When Lucina lashed out at an unsuspecting guard, that was the signal that a battle was at hand. She quickly stabbed a sniper and bounced back to get a safe distance to avoid being hit from another guard that was close by. "You are making a grave mistake tiny one." Validar said.

"You're the one making the mistake!" Lucina yelled as she lunged to attack some other soldiers. Some went after her. Robin joined in the fight and used Arcfire and Thoron to protect Lucina against the other soldiers aiming to harm her. As Lucina was focusing on getting rid of the guards in front of her, an axe wielding soldier snuck up on Lucina and raised his axe to deliver a devastating blow. However, Robin intervened just in time and blocked it with his Levin Sword. He turned to Lucina.

"A little help?" He said, struggling to keep the axe at bay. Gracefully, yet fiercely, Lucina twirled around with her sword and cut through the solider, killing him in an instant. Reinforcements arrived quickly and replaced the fallen guards. They could barely keep up. An arrow flew across the air and struck Robin on the back of his leg, causing him to collapse for a moment. Robin yelled in pain and Lucina quickly responded.

"Robin!" She yelled. She mercilessly slashed anyone who stood in her way to get to Robin. Robin was able to pull the arrow out of his flesh. Robin was still in a little pain but he shook it off.

"I'm good." Robin said with a slight groan of pain. "It's nothing." Lucina was about to argue but an incoming solider turned her attention away from Robin. With a simple swing of the sword, the solider fell. Lucina was panting from exhaustion. Even she was starting to get winded out from the constant fighting. She fought through and continued to fight. Robin was assisting but was slow maneuvering around due to his injury.

While Lucina was dueling with a sword fighter, a blast of dark magic caught her. She whipped around and saw a dark mage casting Nosferatu. While her guard was down, the sword fighter she was fighting saw this as an advantage and lunged to attack. He barely missed since Robin intervened and pushed Lucina out of the way, however, he was able to get a small knick on Lucina's side.

Robin was equally exhausted as Lucina, if not more. He used about half of the Arcfire tome to keep enemies at bay and he was susceptible to close range attacks when he was focused on taking out enemies from long range. His heavy coat provided an extra layer of protection from the enemy attacks, so he wasn't bleeding as bad in places.

Robin and Lucina where surrounded. No hope was in sight for them. Lucina wasn't going to give up. "Hope... will never.... die...." Lucina declared in between heavy breaths. She raised her sword to strike down another Plegian, but collapsed. Robin caught her. Now the was certainly no hope for them now. He cast a few more spells to keep the enemies at bay but it was no use. It was the end.

Chrom and his army were approaching the Dragon's Table. There were an increase of soldiers and Grimleal patrolling the area, so some of the army stayed behind to fight them off. Once they arrived, the group only consisted of Chrom, Sumia, Cynthia, Lissa as the healer, her husband Lon'qu, Lissa's son Owain, Cordelia and her husband Gaius, and Severa.

Before they stormed the castle, Chrom called the group into a huddle to talk strategy. Unfortunately, no one in the group was really great with strategies, so whatever they came up with wouldn't be the best.

"Alright, plan is that we'll all storm the entrance, and while the Grimleal minions will be distracted by you guys, I'll go inside and save Lucina." Chrom said. "Any questions?"

Cynthia raised her hand. "Can I come with you? She's my sister and if it wasn't for me bringing Robin to you guys to tell you where Lucina was being kept, we would still be panicking back home." Cynthia protested.

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