Chapter 7: Robin's Determination

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The duo of Robin and Cynthia rode off to Ylisse. They barely said a word to each other during the flight until they approached the castle.

"I'll go explain the situation to my father. But we're going to need a way to convince him that this isn't a ploy..." Cynthia said.

"Why would I let him know where his daughter, who I might add that I love dearly, is if it's a ploy to get him assassinated?" Robin asked.

"Well... it all started years ago. During a war, your country raided our capital and assassinated my aunt Emmeryn." Cynthia explained. "Luckily they weren't able to get the Fire Emblem like they hoped, but after that, my father has hated Plegia with a passion. He probably doesn't want Lucina to have the same fate as Aunt Emmeryn..."

"Your fathers reasons are valid. If I was him, I wouldn't exactly trust me either." Robin said. Cynthia turned around and glared at Robin.

"Should I even trust you then?" Cynthia spat.

"You can! It's just that I understand why I wouldn't be credible." Robin defended. Cynthia went back to reining her Pegasus. They landed in the Royal stables. Cynthia told Robin to stay put while she put her Pegasus away. Once she was done, she lead Robin into the castle. Robin tried to put his hood on but was stopped by Cynthia.

"Don't put your hood up, it'll only raise suspicion." She said. Robin corrected his mistake and put it down. He tried to look natural, but tried too hard and looked unnatural. Luckily no one really noticed him. Cynthia asked a castle staff member where Chrom could be and the maid directed her to a meeting room. Cynthia knocked on the closed door. "Father, I need to speak with you."

"Come in." Chrom called. Cynthia opened the door. Robin followed behind her.

"I found a way to get Lucina back!" Cynthia said excitedly but stopped in her tracks when she saw her father clearly in distress and her mother with remnants of tear stains on her eyes. "D-did something happen?" Cynthia asked.

"Take a look at this dear." Sumia said and handed Cynthia the piece of paper. Cynthia scanned it and gasped.

"King Validar wants the Fire Emblem in exchange for Lucy?!" Cynthia gasped.

Sumia nodded. "We're deciding on what to do." She said.

"I think we should just charge right in and get her back." Chrom argued. "Sure we may not need the Fire Emblem, but it's a royal treasure and it could be catastrophic if it ends up in the wrong hands."

"However, I believe that we should just do it. What's the value of a shield with gemstones compared to the life of our daughter?" Sumia argued.

"Whatever you do, don't give him the Emblem!" Robin shouted without warning. Everyone was staring at him. Cynthia gave him a "dude, what the heck." look. Sumia was confused and Chrom was either annoyed or even more upset. "Listen, I know you guys don't trust me. I get it. But, you must understand that if you give my father the Emblem, it's all over. He will revive the fell dragon that will destroy the world." Robin pleaded.

"Robin is trustworthy, I believe him. He loves Lucina just as much as we do and he wants to help." Cynthia added.

Chrom rubbed his face with his hand. "Oh for the love of Naga. Cynthia, you know why we can't trust the Plegians."

"If Lucina trusts Robin then I do too!" Cynthia cried.

"The two of you said that last time and look what happened." Chrom argued.

"I didn't know that the letter was even sent until Cynthia told me this morning!" Robin yelled.

"Why do you distrust Robin so much?!"

"Everyone, BE QUIET!" Chrom yelled. He pointed to Robin. "Leave. Now." He then pointed to the door.

"Father..." Cynthia said in disbelief. Robin reluctantly left.

"We ride at dawn tomorrow to Plegia. I'll gather the Shepherds right now to prepare for tomorrow. Cynthia, you're welcome to come, but if anything dangerous happens, I'll need you to turn back." Chrom said. Cynthia just nodded before leaving. She caught up with Robin.

"Hey Robin, they have their plan settled out." Cynthia said. "They're leaving at dawn tomorrow morning."

"Then I'll need to get there before they do. To get Lucina back home and to earn their trust." Robin said, not turning back. He walked away. Cynthia ran after him.

"Hey wait!" She called. It was no use though. Once he was outside, he raised a hand in the air. This was the first time he was trying to use powerful magic without a tome.

"Rescue!" Robin called out. A pillar of wind surrounded him like a tornado. Cynthia stopped in her tracks. The wind then swirled around him and then he vanished. Robin must've teleported away. Cynthia went back inside the castle in defeat. She decided to prepare for the next day for the rescue mission.

Robin landed in some unknown location. He could tell it was Plegia due to the massive desert he landed in. And the big dragon remains also gave it away. He didn't land exactly where he wanted, but it was a miracle that he didn't land in an unfamiliar location since it was his first time using magic without a tome on a grand scale. Sure he could cast small lightning bolts and pillars of fire without a tome, but anything larger than that he normally needed a tome. Robin considered himself lucky that time.

"Lucina, don't worry, I'm coming." Robin said to himself before taking off in the direction the Dragon's Table. He had is own plan. And luckily, he was using his own ties to be the foil to his father's plan. 


A/N: sorry that this chapter was a little short. I didn't want to make it too long by combining it with the next one. Sorry if I mad you guys hate Chrom or made him OOC. This is how I kinda pictured him to act in the fallen timeline towards the Plegians. Even though Robin is one, I like to believe that he didn't know that Robin was from Plegia in that timeline. Sorry for rambling, I'll go now. Have a nice day.

~ The Artist Sylveon 🌸

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