🤫Truth or Dare or you just told the truth🤥(21)

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Corbyn had been hanging out with us for the past few days and it was really fun having him around. He took me and Paisley on a tour of LA and was nice enough to buy Paisley souvenirs. I was starting to have this feeling of your tummy being ticklish and your heart racing when I'm around him. Like yesterday we went out for ice cream and Paisley and Corbyn got the same flavor of ice cream with a butt load of sprinkles and when I looked over at Paisley her mouth was covered in ice cream. I looked over at Corbyn who also had Ice cream everywhere. I loved having Corbyn around, whenever fans would ask for his autograph he would take a few pictures sigh some pictures, and then apologize to me and Paisley. I thought it was so cute though because he made these little eyes when he would apologize.

Anyway back to the present. Today Shelbi and mom wanted to take Paisley out, and it was also Friday so Corbyn asked me if I wanted to go over to his house. Well of course I said yes and right now I was actually getting dressed to meet him.

What you are wearing-

What you are wearing-

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And chapstick with mascara

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And chapstick with mascara.

I was waiting out in the lobby on my phone when out of nowhere a pair of hands quickly touched my shoulders making me jump up.  I looked over scared as hell and saw Corbyn burst into laughter. I sent him a look but couldn't help but to smile. Me-"Corbyn you scared the shit out of me". I then gave him a play hit on the arm. Corbyn-"You should of seen your face though it was hilarious". Me-"Shut up". Corbyn-"Okay, Okay,". Me-"So where are we going". Corbyn-"To my house, it's game night". I nodded and Corbyn started walking out while I was just standing in the same spot. Corbyn looked over to where he thought I was walking. He turned around to see me just standing there with a smirk on my face. Corbyn-"Hey". Me-"Hey". Corbyn-"You want a piggyback ride don't you". I nodded my head fast as if I were a child. I immediately jumped on his back and the first thing Corbyn said was "Wow your surprisingly light". Me-"To the car" I cheered and pointed to the car.

When we got in the car I turned up the radio and started little dances. Corbyn just chuckled. Corbyn-"Your weird". Me-"Well today i'm not a mom, so I get to unwind". Corbyn just smiled and started driving to his house. 

*After the car ride and a few games*

it was 3:30 and we just finished monopoly. Me-"Alright boys choose another game I get to beat you at". Zach-"No, no, no, i'm not losing again. this time we're playing truth or dare. Me-"Fine by me". 

30 minutes of playing truth or dare later-

Jonah-"Okay  Y/N your turn, truth or dare". Me-"Truth". Zach-"How many people have you slept with". Daniel-"Zach! Y/N You don't have to answer that" Zach-"Yeah you don't have to answer that I already know your kind of a wimp". I gave Zach a glare and said "One". 

Corbyn's P.O.V

"One" what does that mean. Wait is she answering or is she warning Zach?


I got a phone call from my mom so I excused myself and walked outside. 


Me- Hey mom. Mom-Hey sweetie do you think you could come back to the hotel Paisley is refusing to go to bed. Me-Yell at her then. Mom- What! No. I'm her grandmother, grandmothers are supposed to be the favorites. Me-Fine, i'll be home soon bye. 



Y/N-"Hey Corbyn, I gotta go, my mom just called." Me-"Sure". I nodded and said "Okay, do you want me to drop you off". Y/N-"No i'll call an uber thanks though". Y/N had just walked out and the word "One" was still in my head. Wait if she only slept with one person, and if i'm the only person she slept with does that mean I'm P-Paisley's Dad? I sent the boys a nervous look and ran out after Y/N. She was about to walk into the uber when I called her name. 


I was about to go into the Uber when Corbyn called my name. I told the Uber driver that i'll be right back. Me-"Corbyn what happened did I forget something". Corbyn just stared at me with his nervous face. I walked up to him. Me-"Hey you okay". I looked behind me to see the Uber leave. Me-"Corbyn just spit it out my ride just left me". Corbyn-"Why didn't you tell me". Now I was looking at Corbyn confused. Me-"What do you mean". Corbyn-"Y/N am, am I Paisley's D-dad". I looked at him blankly as if everything was now slowing down. I could practically hear my heart beat race in my head. I gulped and looked down. I started shaking and I felt my eyes get heated. Me-"C-Corbyn.". Corbyn-"Just answer with a yes or no". Me-"Yes". Corbyn-"Why didn't you tell me, I would of helped". I then started crying. Me-"Corbyn I did try to tell you, twice actually". Corbyn-"What do you mean twice". Me-"Well the day I found out I drove to your house with Shelbi and it was the same day you were leaving, I was trying to tell you, but your manager was calling you and the second time was thanksgiving I drove to your house and Ashley told me you had just left so I walked to my car tried to call you and you immediately sent me to voicemail. So at that moment I realized I was gonna be a single teen mom". Corbyn-"Then w-what happened with you and Jaden". Me-"We broke up the day I found out I was pregnant, we went to the doctor and I told Jaden he wasn't the father that you were, he wasn't being totally honest so I broke up with him".  I looked up and Corbyn gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I was ignoring you, and I want to make things right I want to be their for you and Paisley". I started crying harder. "It's gonna be so hard Corbyn. I haven't seen you mom since the last time I saw you". Corbyn-"What happened, what do you mean". Me-"Jaden and his mom came into the hospital room and they tried to take Paisley because Jaden told his mom he was the dad and their just phycos" I cried out. Corbyn-"That's why i'm gonna be there, Y/N Listen to me i'm gonna be there for you and Paisley". I was now crying harder. Me-"No, No you can't. Corbyn your going on tour tomorrow you gonna be gone for months". Corbyn just went quiet. Corbyn-"Y/N I'm gonna make it work, infact I haven't been totally honest too". I looked up in disbelief. What does he mean. The next thing I knew I was closing my eyes kissing Corbyn back. Corbyn-"Y/N I love you, I have loved you for so long and I thought I was never gonna see you again.". Me-"(Sniffles) Corbyn I, I love you too, I guess I didn't know it until we started hanging out more, and if you want we can go pick up Paisley so you can spend time with her". Corbyn-"I would like that, and Y/N I know this might be to forward but would you be my girlfriend". 

A/N-Cliffhanger! I am so Evil. Love to all my fella limelights.

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