🤛Kicked out🤜(11)

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I woke up and got in the shower since I didn't want to stink. I felt so depressed with what had happened in the past few days. I got out and just stayed in my towel and laid on the bed feeling so empty. It was probably the 3rd minute of me just laying down when I got a text from Shelbi saying she wanted to take me for frozen yogurt. Of course I said yes so I got dressed into something nice.

I got in my car and drove to Shelbi's house to pick her up. "Hey so any morning sickness" Shelbi asked me. "Surprisingly no" I said and started driving to the yogurt place. I was craving lemon yogurt with pickles so Shelbi ordered her strawberry yogurt and I ordered my lemon yogurt. Once we got our yogurt we drove to a little store and bought pickles for me. I have to admit my yogurt was AMAZING. After that I dropped Shelbi off and drove back to my place it was around 5 in the morning because Shelbi and I love to get up earlier of we get yogurt. I walked in the house and I just saw my mom on the couch crying and mumbling things. "Hey mom are you okay" I asked feeling concerned. She turned around and I saw she had a letter. "Care to explain to me what this is" she asked me. I had know clue what she was taking about so I took the paper and read it. My heart beat slowed down and I swear time froze. I looked up slowly, it was the note from the doctor saying I was pregnant and what I should be expecting like morning sickness and cravings. "Mom I can explain" I said. "So is this true or not is all I want to know before you say anything else" mh mom said in a low voice. "Yes" I said trying not to let my eyes heat up. "Your disowned, don't wake up Evie or Lucus, while you pack your things I want you out by 8am" Mom said in a low dark voice. "What your not even gonna hear what I have to say" I argued, She just walked into her room. This was so unfair. I ran up to my room and grabbed all three of my luggage. I packed all my clothes, pictures basically almost everything I needed. I was almost done I only had to pack my things that were mine that I bought when Evie and Lucus came in. "Why are you packing" Evie asked me.i felt my eyes get heated and glossy. "Um I'm gonna be away for a while so you guys might not see me around for a while" I said trying not to make them worry. "So your moving away" Lucus said making his eyes turn red and glossy. "Look i'm sorry I really am" I said now tears coming down. "What did we do we can change just don't leave please" Evie said crying. "Hey, don't cry you guys can call me whenever you want okay I love you guys" I said and gave the 2 crying kids a hug and a kiss on the head before grabbing my bags and leaving. I turned around and took a shaky breath then walked to my car. I started it and chose to text Shelbi to see if I could stay in her house.
Text Convo
Me- Hey can I come over
Shelbi- Sure
Me- thanks
End of convo

I drove over to her house and since me and family were closer then my family I was able to come over anytime. I walked in and just left my stuff in the car. I ran to Shelbi's room and she was awake watching Grown Ups. "Hey" She said and turned around. "Are you okay you look so tired and sad" Shelbi asked me. "My mom just kicked me out so yeah" I probably shouldn't of said that because Shelbi got up and hugger me them ran out the room. She came back with a warm smile. "Mom said you can stay for as long as you want" Shelbi said. I was in complete shock Shelbi was like a sister to me and I didn't know what I would do without her. "Shelbi no I can't your to sweet" I said. "Nope your your staying sp don't argue" Shelbi said. I was close to crying when Shelbi said I need to go to bed. I did and I was just so happy I had a friend like that. Then I started thinking about Corbyn I know I like him but does he like me. Will he want to keep the baby. Does he want to be in a family with me. I then started to think of how I will tell Corbyn about the baby.

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