😆Cuddle Buddy😆

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Still Corbyn's P.O.V

We had finished cleaning up the water mess so I walked into my room. I closed the door then took off my shirt making my way to my bed

Paisley's P.O.V(Pretend her thoughts are baby voice thoughts)

Mommy was asleep but I couldn't sleep well. I carefully got up and tried not to wake up mommy. I then quietly opened and closed the door making my way to Beans room. I opened his door and closed his door making his head turn in my direction. I walked over to his bed and tried getting on there but the bed was too big. "Bean cawn you help me" I whispered.

Corbyn's P.O.V

I was half asleep when I heard my door open and close. I looked over and saw nobody so it must have been one of the boys checking up on me. I rested my head back on my pillow when I heard Paisley whisper "Bean cawn you hewlp me". I looked over and she was trying to get on the bed. "Sure" I answered. Picked her up and sat her on my bed. "What's the wrong Paisley," I asked her. "I couldn't slweep" She answered and laid down. "Oh okay," I said and laid back down. Paisley huddled her little body to my chest and said "Nighty Bean". "Night Paisley, sweet dreams" I whispered.

That night I fell asleep hugging Paisley.

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up to Paisley trying to wake me up. "Mmm," I hummed. "Mommy come on Bean mwade Bweakfast," Paisley said full of energy. "Alright, I'm coming" I replied and yawned. I got up and Paisley walked me to the kitchen. I saw Corbyn serving breakfast to four other boys. "Morning" I yawned and stretched. "Morning beautiful" A boy with rosy cheeks said. "Zach shut up" A boy drinking coffee said. "Hey I know you, you were with Corbyn at the zoo" I realized. "That's me, hi I'm Jonah um Y/N right," Jonah said and stuck his hand out for me to shake it. I shook his hand then sat down. Paisley brought me a plate that had eggs and bacon. Paisley then looked at the plate and said "BEAN you forgowt to awdd pwancakes". "Oh, my bad Paisley". I smiled at Corbyn and making him smile back. I turned back to the three boys and said "I didn't get your names". "Oh well, I'm Jack," A guy with curly hair said. "I'm Daniel," A boy with a gap in his teeth said. "And I'm Zach," The boy with rosy cheeks said. "Well it's nice to meet you guys" I pleaded. After breakfast, we were all just hanging out in the living room. I was sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram when I realized I was still in the same clothes from yesterday. "Hey, Corbyn do you think you could drive us back to the hotel," I asked him looking up from my phone. "Sure" Corbyn responded. Paisley was using the bathroom and we were waiting on her so we could go. Paisley had just come out so I got up. "Ready to go," Corbyn asked grabbing his keys. "Yep, come on Paisley," I said and looked at her. "Where are we gowing," Paisley asked. "We're going back to the hotel come on" I answered and stuck my hand out for her to take it. Paisley gave me her "No" pouty face. "Paisley no, come on we have to go" I demanded. "No" Paisley hissed and stomped her foot.

"Paisley Lynn we need to go home," I said sternly. "Come on Paisley, your mom said the full name so that means she means it" Corbyn explained. "Mommy didn't sway my fwull name" Paisley explained. "Paisley come on we are leaving" I ordered. "No, I wanna stway with Bean" Paisley argued. I picked her up and Paisley started crying and whining. I walked out of the house and Corbyn unlocked his car. I sat Paisley down in a seat and she just kept on crying and trying to come out of the car. "Paisley stop crying look Corbyns coming as well" I assured her. "No I wanna stay here" Paisley demanded. Corbyn came in the car and started it. "B-Bean I w-wanna stway w-with you" Paisley cried. Corbyn faced Paisley and said "Hey, don't cry I'm right here". Paisley climbed the seats and hugged Corbyn, crying in his chest. Corbyn started rubbing her back until she stopped crying. I sent him a soft smile. I loved that he was getting along with Paisley, but I also hated the fact that he doesn't know Paisley's his. Paisley ended up falling asleep on him so I scooped her and brought her to my lap. "Thanks for calming her down" I thanked Corbyn. "No problem" Corbyn replied. I stayed quiet and thought about how Paisley almost gave away her last name.

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