😴What happened when Y/N was asleep😴(18)

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Corbyn's P.O.V

I had just pulled out of the parking lot when I got a text from Jack.

📱Text Convo📱

🍜Jack🍜- Hey could you stop by the store and by the following:
Napkins, Towels, Mop, Buckets,Sponges

☄️Me☄️- What happened
why do you need those things

🍜Jack🍜- Um it involves Zach being stupid

☄️Me☄️- looks like I'm going to the store

🍜Jack🍜- Thanks

📱End Text Convo📱

"Hey Y/N would it be okay if I could stop at the store real quick before I drop you guys off," I asked hopeing she would be okay with it. "Yeah, it's okay" She responded and yawned. I smiled and started driving to the store closer to my house. (Corbyn lives with the boys). By the time I got to the store Y/N was already asleep holding Paisley. I smiled at how cute they looked. I was a little shocked but also kind of glad for some reason but Paisley looked nothing like Jaden she had some of Y/N looks but with someone else. I couldn't quite put my finger on it so I just shrugged it off. I walked inside the store and grabbed all the supplies Jack needed then paid for it. I got inside my car and Y/N was still sleeping with Paisley in her arms. I smiled softly at them and drove off. I decided to just drive to my place since I didn't want to wake them up.
Part of the car ride was just me thinking about how Paisley looked nothing like Jaden and how I was a little upset about Jaden being the dad to my crush's baby. I was a little jealous of Jaden when he and Y/N were dating, Oh I still am. I wish I was Paisley's dad and I wish I was with Y/N.

 I was about halfway to my place when Paisley woke up. She looked around then looked at me. "Um, where awm I," She asked me. "You are in my car" I replied. "Oh yeah, I know tis car" Paisley realized. "Yep," I said. "Um, tow come we had to come on a plane to get tere," Paisley asked me. "Probably because Virginia and California are a long way apart from each other" I answered. "Hey how do you like Virginia," I asked her. "Um well, it mwy house in Virgintia," Paisley asked me. "Yes," I responded. "Well, ten good I wuv my house" Paisley answered. "Do you like your Dad's house better than your mom's house?" I asked because then she was probably close to my family since I and Jaden were neighbors. "Wats a dwad" Paisley asked me. OH SHIT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A DAD IS, Y/N PROBABLY NEVER LET HER NEAR JADEN. "Um well a dad is like, a dad is like a boy who is close to you" I explained the best I could without giving the circle of life away. "Oh so are you mwy dwad" Paisley asked me. Oh shit, she must think the close as in someone near you. "No" I responded. "Well then who are you" Paisley questioned. "I'm your Corbyn" I answered. "Yay, your mwy Torbean" Paisley said trying to say my name. "Here repeat after me, Cor Byn," I said. "Tor bean" Paisley repeated. I smiled and said "Fine I'm your bean," I said giving in. Paisley giggled.

After that long conversation with Paisley and not waking up Y/N, I finally made it to my house. I turned off my car then opened my door and Paisley hopped off. "Hey Paisley could you go inside and tell the boys come outside," I asked Paisley. She nodded and ran inside. I heard the door close so I knew she got inside so all I had to do was carry Y/N inside the house. 

Jack's P.O.V

I and the boys were watching T.V when we heard the door open and close. I looked at Zach who looked a little creeped out. "Corbyn you there," I asked. No answer. "Guys do you think the house is haunted" Zach whimpered. "Zach I think your on to something for once" Daniel confessed. "Daniel don't believe Zach there could be a perfectly good explanation" Jonah assured. We heard little footsteps when Jonah finished talking which made Zach go crazy. "Hello whoever you are eat Jack!" Zach yelled getting scared. "I'm right here dude, and that means your gonna lose your best friend" I explained. "Oh your right, EAT JONAH" Zach yelled. "That hurt" Jonah blurted. "Boys Torbyn, I mwean Bean wants to outside" We heard a little voice yell. "Oh my god, the ghost is a girl" Zach worried. He got up grabbed a pillow and threw it in the direction the voice came from. "Oww" We heard the voice cry out. We then started to hear little sniffles and whimpers. "Wait a minute she said Corbyn" Jonah realized and got up. He started walking in the direction the whimpers were coming from. "Jonah don't it's a ghost" Zach yelled whined. "Or it's just a girl you threw a pillow at whos about to cry" Jonah explained. He picked her up and started rubbing her back. She then started crying/ "Zach you idiot, now you can checkmark making a toddler cry on your bucket list. "My bad" Zach explained. "Hey wait a minute," Jonah said. Jonah turned his head and looked at the crying toddler "Guys i know this toddler her name Paisley, now you guys have to outside and explain to him why she's crying," Jonah said. The door then started banging. "I'll answer it" Daniel announced and got up to answer it.

Corbyn's P.O.V

Daniel opened the door and I dropped all the supplies I had in my hand in front of him when I saw Paisley crying. "What did you guys fucking do to her," I asked running to Jonah. "Zach care to explain," Jonah said looking at Zach while hugging crying Paisley. "I threw a pillow at her" Zach mumbled and looked down. "I swear, this isn't over, now come help get the supplies out" I demanded. Jonah stayed in and the rest of the boys came out and started grabbing the supplies from my trunk. I walked over to Y/N's side and opened her door. She was still sleeping and so I carried her inside and upstairs into the guest room. I laid her down and covered her with the blanket. She looked beautiful. I closed the door then started to walk out when I saw the boys running to the hallway bathroom. "what happened" I asked running over to see a tub full, and water all over the floor. "Zach," I asked. "yeah" Jack answered. "I was just being curious" Zach explained. I ran downstairs to see Jonah trying to calm down Paisley. "How's she doing," I asked. "Well she's still sniffling and whimpering, but she kept asking for Bean" Jonah answered. Paisley turned her head and made grabby arms toward me. As soon as I picked her up she hugged me. "Hey Paisley what happened," I asked her. "T-The bwoy wit r-red chweeks trew a p-pewwo at me" She stuttered. "Don't worry, Jonah's gonna yell at him" I assured her. "I sure will" Jonah responded and ran upstairs. "Hey, do you wanna go to your mom," I asked Paisley. She finally stopped crying. "Yesh" Paisley answered. "Okay," I responded. I took her upstairs and brought her to the guest room where Y/N was sleeping. "Night Paisley" I whispered setting her on the bed. "Nwight Bean" Paisley whispered back. I closed the door and went to my room and fell asleep.

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