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"Psst! Mariam!" I heard a whisper behind my ear and jut shook my head.

"You are exaggerating this now aren't you?" I asked him only for him to shut me up and drag me in the unfamiliar building.

We were meeting each other for the first time after mall incident. For past week we have been talking to each other on the phone, didn't matter if we were busy or anything. We still had our phones on, making sure we didn't out of blue kill ourselves.

How funny... we told each other we won't kill ourselves just because we feel so but we all know one of us is going to break this at some point.

I was standing in the darkness, still not knowing why I agreed to meeting him here. He acted like he was some spy and whispered to me from behind a column of some building.

He dragged me inside and opened the door, finally getting to see his face which was covered by black mask, cap and sunglasses. He was also wearing everything black.

"Don't you think your disguise is little bit too much? It's night after all..." I trailed of while mingling my hands together in from of my chest and looked at him with a done face.

"Yeah but... what if someone sees me? What if saesang sees me?" He continued asking but I didn't listened. Just went to the living room and laid down, making myself at home.

"You do know that you are first person who dragged me out from my house at night right?" I looked at him.

"But I'm nervous. I don't wanna be alone " he made puppy eyes and looked at me "I have comeback stage tomorrow and I'm kinda nervous. I'm not feeling like performing." He sighed and slumped down next to me.

"Why did you become singer ?" I asked why looking at the ceiling somehow taking every detail in.

"I enjoy it. It's same as asking you why you draw when you are feeling complicated or why you pull yourself into work"

"But you don't know why I do that..?" I answered him after some time, trying to analyse what he was saying

"You just do it because you enjoy it, it calms you down..?" He started talking with confidence but still makes it sound like a question.

"I wish. I do it to distract myself. To forget myself and innner voice which talks to me from time to time. " I mumbled.

"Which tells you to kill your self ..."

"Yeah..." I mumbled. He noticed I didn't want to talk about this and swiftly switched the topic

"But really. Are you sure you aren't lying that you never have heard our songs?"

"I never listed to music until you made me to and someohow got addicted to it"

"Is that your way of complimenting my work?"

"Hmm maybe!" I said cheekily while looking at him from the corner of my eyes.

It became silent out of nowhere. Silent which was very awkward. Feeling each other's sorrows and pain and understanding what we went through. In moments I felt like I heard his heart beat and him mine.

"How?" I asked him after who knows how long

"I don't know. We are going to find a way though. Even I don't know what I am asking from you other than being here with me for now. Even if it's awkward silence. I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry but how did you read my mind..?"

"I didn't. I was thinking the same. After getting to know you I know we both have been thinking same so..."

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