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Darkness... I was in a house which wasn't very familiar to me. The more I walked in the darker it got and more doors appeared.

I opened one and there was one man in black sitting at the table.

"Excuse me where am I?" I asked but no answer was heard. He stood up and suddenly grew taller, nails grew and had eerie smile on his face. I got scared and backed away only to stumble on my feet and fell down. I backed away but he came after me. I got so scared that I hid my face after bumping into the door and screamed and his body suddenly burst and dozens of crows came out.

Suddenly someone touched my shoulder which made me to look up. It was some boy in whites and happy smile over him.

"It's not place for you Mariam. It will only open those almost healed wounds. Go until you have time or you will be stuck. Go now! Wake up! Wake up!" He started shouting and suddenly his voice changed into very known one

"Wake up Mariam!" This time it was Jonghyun and I opened my eyes.

I still had that eerie feeling all over my body and couldn't feel anything. I was just numb.

"I thought you would die in my hands" he whispered as he put his head on the bed.

"I'll make correction there and say our hands" kibum pointed out and sighed. Shaking his head sideways. "I don't know you well and nor I fancy you much but I was worried." He straightforwardly stayed which made me chuckle.

"I thought I would die too" I breathed out and put my arm over my eyes. The feeling I got while being there was just so scary. I still could hear crows and feel the negative aura that man or creature had. I quietly sobbed and shed tears until I felt how all of them hugged me.

After I calmed down and they discussed everything it was again Jonghyun and I left at home.

"You saw something there didn't you?" He suddenly asked while patting his pet Roo which was dropped by his sister some minutes ago.


"Was it scary?"

"Very... I still have the feeling of it"

"When you went unconscious I called my doc and she said you hypnotised yourself. So whatever you saw there was you demons. Ones your brain created by itself. They say they are the scariest because it's your darkest side and all the bad a person has is collected in them. But how did you come out of it?"

"I saw a boy and he told me to leave. And then he just started screaming to wake up and suddenly I heard your voice.  I don't know." I sighed and put my head on his chest, ear right opposite to his heart. I felt how I was still shaking from the shock and I couldn't stop it. I was so scared.

"Till the last second I breathe I will make sure you are safe and alive" he whispered and smoothly played with my hair which sent me to the dreamland but more than that nightmare land.

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