Themselves ////

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This is how I was going to lead the story at some point. So read it and if you like it I'll try to update it ❤️


"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two and one! Happy new year!!"

We cheered as we welcomed 2016 in our lives but even though it was smiles ad hugs we still lacked something inside.

His book was published 3 months ago or so and became popular because of its small poems, storyline, songs connected to each character and just gave you a peak into his life.

We were sipping wine as we were leaned on each other's shoulder. By this time just our presence wasn't enough we needed that skinship to feel calm and collected.

"If I asked you to commit double suicide with me what would you do?" I asked him slowly, I didn't want to give him panic attack he got once in a while and especially during his sleep.

"I don't know ... I'm ready to die with you but I also want to live with you and discover more about life... I'm not ready to die just yet."

"Sounds best option for me..." I mumbled and dug my nose into his neck where you could feel that calming and soft collagen which was not too strong but not weak either.

And we spent the night, just like that.

2016 started of not as active as previous year. I was still mentally unsteady person who was calmed down only by him and he was still depressed workaholic who wrote more and more music and gave most of them away. First one this year was precious maknae Taemin who couldn't wait to publish this song.

The more time passes more quiet we were with each other. Barely spoke and mostly enjoyed each other's company.

After February our relationship changed drastically. Instead of the quiet one we always had it became more frustrating and weird.

I was watching him and his he was sleeping when he suddenly opened his eyes and looked deeply into mine.

"Don't move" he whispers as he moved closer that our noses were touching. It wasn't first time but right now him, his slightly lidded eyes, his blond hair his lips, his cheeks, everything was too catchy in the eyes. His lips touched mine, didn't move, just a peck but I felt like I was dying.

Kim Jonghyun was my first kiss.

After he passed out again I couldn't stop myself from lifting those lips upwards. I smiled. And he was the reason I smiled.

"Morning" he was half asleep as he came out of the room and looked at me, eyes sparkled in a moment, he was just going to avoid me when I just pulled him to me and pecked his lips. Cherry he tastes like cherries.

I couldn't stop myself from blushing so I tried to run away but he was faster and caught me.

He slightly bumped me into the wall and looked me into the eyes, before gifting me a very deep and passionate kiss, which outweighed the words.

I don't know what we are, but that day just gave us more reason to live, to feel each other more and explore new thing every day.

We were happy until March... when we decided to double suicide out of nowhere, just because the pain we blocked inside of ourselves, finally broke free.

A/N: this SUUUUCKKKKKKSSSS. BUT IM TRYING. I didn't really planned lover's stay start but this story needs to get some spice.

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