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I was listening to them talk as we were eating Big Mac at McDonald's. Those two were so much alike that it was kinda scary.

I understand people understanding each other's feelings and feeling them like they went through it just like jonghyun and I but these two were just alike.

They had same worries, same thoughts and everything. But Sulli was feeling worse than she should have. Apparently she has been hated since debut. Sometimes for her weight and sometimes for her appearance, even voice too.

But just like Jonghyun I couldn't see any flaw in her. She was perfect. She was beautiful and had dazzling smile which flattered my heart every time she smiled. She had amazing looks and voice was just like lullaby.

"It's getting harder Jonghyun... I'm really tired. I left group but nothing changed. Dean told me he was working on the song that he wants to do with me and let's see. Even though it will be nowhere in near future. I'm also writing my new single. It's called "Goblin"." She went on and on. But something I noticed was how her moods changed here and there. Like different people were talking.

"Let's say it's her curse" Jonghyun said after she left. I think he guessed what I was thinking about "she had severe depression while ago and kinda developed many personalities due to stress. It's possible actually. Her song goblin is about that if you think closely. Different personalities coexisting in one person.  But it's tiresome. It exhaust you out. Since debut hate is all she got. She breaths and gets hate."

"But you two are so alike. Your worries and even some thoughts. You two are alike" I mumbled as he looked at me for some time and shrugged after thinking some time

"Well maybe who knows." He looked away, far far away as he was thinking about something.

"Can I kidnap you for a day?" He looked at me confused as I already dragged him to car and I started driving.

"Y-you know how to drive?" He asked as he was trying to calm down due to shock

"No not really. Just learnt it through watching you" I smiled as I stopped at the traffic lights.

"Let me drive?"

"It's fine. After all I don't think either of us will be sad if we die in accident. We are more than ready to die already" I smiled as he relaxed and also smiled. He got comfortable in the seat and closed his eyes. Trusted me with his life.

After 2 hours we arrived at the beach, place where I suddenly wanted to go. Why? No reason.  Watching water always calmed me down and since he has been anxious for some time already this might be good for him mental health too.

"Jonghyun?? Where are you??" Onew screamed in phone as soon as we answered the call

"Ahah you won't believe but at the beach?" He scratched neck as he looked at me and smiled like a naughty kid

"Beach?????? It's like hours away from here? What about our solo concert? Are you dumb?"

I took away phone from Jonghyun and spoke instead of him. I understand that as a leader it's his duty to have everyone under control but it's going too far "hey. Don't worry. We will be there tomorrow morning. Just this one night okay? Bye" and I hung up. Otherwise he wouldn't stop nagging

"Why are we here though?" He looked at me as he leaned on his arms which were behind his body. We were currently watching sunset which was full of red pink yellow and purple colors. It was like sun was on fire and it was slowly dimming as it was put out.

"No reason?" I laid in the sand and looked at him

"Liar. You took me here thinking it would be great relaxation"

"Well isn't its?"

"It is. Let's do it more often?"

"Hmm. Let's do it more often" and we laid there as sun went down as stars appeared. We watched shooting stars without making any wishes since there wasn't anything we wanted anymore. "If I ever die before you do so, look at the sky and find the most dimming one. One that barely shines. But if you ever die before I do, I'll look at the most bright one, okay?"

"But it should be vice versa"

"Nope Jonghyun. You are my bright star that gave color to my life. Thank you" and I kissed his nose. We were currently standing with our bare feet on the shore, water barely reaching our feet sometimes.

"But you not only gave color to my life but also lit me up. You are my bright star" he kissed my forehead as his tear fell down on my cheek and slid down to my mouth, saltiness of it lingering on my lip. It felt like his knees gave out as he placed his head on my shoulder and slowly embraced me.

"We lit each other up Jjong."I whispered as we fell down on sand as he kept hugging me. To calm him down more I played with his hair until he fell asleep.

People are ungrateful. Even after finding the right person they aren't enough. In our cases we still want to die even tho we found our candles. But candle doesn't stay around forever. Sooner or later they will disappear and die out as last bit of wax is melt.

"Who's going to break first I wonder. You or I?" I whispered and once again kissed his head.

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