Skelleton Flower

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Chapter 1

'How far can I go? And how long can you be with me?'
He asked her.
She was silent. All she did was hug him quietly.

And I ask you as well.

'How far have I come? And since when have you been with me?'

"A person's heart is truly deceitful, you know. While it does not belong to me, I long to own it, yet in reality, when I do get my hands on it, it starts to whiter like a plucked flower."

"Of course, it does seem plausible at that moment, while the flower is still stuck on the ground, to think of something – of making an ornament or setting up a bouquet. Then what can you do. If on the moment one has it in one's hands, the flower that was once lively and the heart that was once warm both soon dry up and die."

"It is extremely pitiful. We, who were once so hot, eventually ended up in a relationship which is far from warm – not quite lukewarm nor cold, but of a temperature only ambiguous enough to sting."

Thrill became familiarity, familiarity became comfort, comfort became boredom, boredom became annoyance, and once again there is little time left until it becomes hate.

I've forgotten the meaning of 'I love you'

I love you I love you

Chapter 2

"What do you think about while taking your bath?"

"Hm······ I think about loneliness. It's a little past two and a half in the morning, then it's too late to start a conversation with anyone, so I lament that." The woman pitied him a little for that.

"Is this what superstar sadness is like?"

"Ha ha, this question is wrong in two points. I am not a superstar and loneliness is not a sorrow for me. Rather, I would say I enjoy loneliness."

"You enjoy loneliness?"

She kept her eyes fixed on the monitor as she continued to type, and the man's eyes were also turned away.

"Being alone, I don't see it as something that simply disappears once you take care of it. It's just like a shadow that follows you through life, see. Still, some days I feel the need of a pat on the shoulder, and since the things I told you before comfort me greatly, I am going through a healthy loneliness."

"A healthy loneliness, you say. It sure is an interesting way to put it."

"You think so? I think this type of thing is necessary. A way of consoling yourself that only you know. On some days you feel lonely, on some days you're exhausted, and in others you feel stupid, pathetic even. Of course, there are many happy days too. The important thing is, while the remaining days of our lives seem to stretch out to no end, you need something that can always soothe your emotions. Whether my days are happy or sad, I don't single them out. As my mixed-up emotions slowly settle down, it's like the overall image of my feelings that day even out. I might enjoy these dramatic things, but I'd prefer if the beginning and the ending are balanced, you know. Anything could work for you too, journalist-nim. It does not have to be as complicated as me. In whatever way, if you arrange to end your every day similarly, it will ease your mind."

'On some days you feel lonely, on some days you're exhausted, and in others you feel stupid, pathetic even.'

Chapter 3

If you're still embarrassed of showing me all your wounds, then please just hug me tightly.

Even if I don't see your scars, I want to feel them through your skin to know you entirely, and I believe so do you.

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