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3rd person's POV

"Jonghyun open the freaking door!!" Onew once again banged on jonghyuns door, waiting for him to open up but no answer.

He got scared, his mind went blank and only thing he could think of is him dead in his house.

"Hyung here are the spare keys!! Taemin handed him keys and door opened in seconds.

Boys scattered around the house, searching for dead body, already crying from overwhelming emotions and just thinking something was wrong with their beloved member made every last strand atom of their body shake from being scared.

"Fuck!" Key screamed and cursed Mariami and Jonghyun. Everyone ran to him and fel on their knees. "Fuck you! You arese!"

There were two phones on the table and little note "will be back in a week, sorry, see you"

"Asshole! We are fucking packed and busy and you do this?" Onew once again screamed. Feeling flustered by his actions and no sense of responsibility.

"Hyung, do you think she is bad influence?"

"Yes. She is. It's obvious to start with but as much as I want to keep her away from him I cannot. She changed him and I'm gonna admit it but he feels alive. I cannot kill him again. He became more relaxed and calm. I cannot take it away from him... I cannot" Onew said and broke down into tears. He was always afraid. Afraid of losing his brother, part of family. It has been long since Jonghyun sufferer from depression and nothing ever really helped him to become better but her. How could he take the chance away? Chance to feel like human and not feel numb?

Mariami's POV

"Did you pack?" I asked him as he was still packing his warm clothes. "Let's drop by mine so I will pack too okay?"

He just nodded and continued folding his clothes.

"Jonghyun, don't feel sad okay? Just think of this as a treat for yourself and your hard work, you deserve it. Really. You did well till now. So let's just take a small break okay? If this will be too much let's come back tomorrow or even day after that. Just let's have maximum limit as a week."

"Okay" he sighed and slumped down shoulders. I slowly hugged him from behind, putting my head on his back to hear how his heartbeat slowly continued working.

"I'm done" he said after quite some time, he zipped it and turned around to hug me "when you give advice, take it yourself as well. I may hate myself but you do too. The way you look at yourself when you look into the mirror or just try to do something you hate yourself. It's journey for both of us you know?" He whispered and dozed my skin with his fingers

I did not know what to do, all I did was stay quiet and just enjoy the comfort of the hug.

"Okay let's go we have to drop by yours as well"

We left the phones and a little note and left, going to my house to pack which took only 10 minutes since I already planned on the way here what I would take with me.

We left every kind of electronic items at home and went to groceries.

"By the way, where should we go?" I asked before taking cart out to stroll the shop. We came up with the idea so suddenly that we didn't even plan anything. It should be better this way.

"I was thinking about the mountains. I have small house there"

"Okaay. Sooo we will be taking, marshmallows, milk, chocolates, meat, chicken, umm help me over here?"

"Just basic human food Mariam, nothing special just double amount so it will be enough for a week"

"Can I get whatever I want?" I decided to challenge myself with eating. I cannot say I have anorexia but sometimes days have passed without me eating anything, if I have to continue living might as well change some habits with him.

After he hesitated and slowly nodded his head I just dragged him around the store like a kid and got whatever we would be able to eat during the our little "vacation". Also it's gonna be fun since we were going to cook. And worst thing is I suck at it and he keeps saying he isn't bad at it. Let's see it.

"Woaah it is indeed beautiful place" it was small wooden cottage with modern elements in the depth of the forest, small spring flowing down near it and let me say one word that suits this place- magical.

"Damn. It's way more better than I imagined" I mumbled. As I mentioned it was wooden style mixed up with the modern one and gave off the vibes that are welcoming and waiting for people to visit it.

"Woaah. Kinda dusty but it's fine we will clean the place throughly" I slumped down on bed and he did too. Putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.

I was looking at him and couldn't believe that how come someone so angelic like him, looking so peaceful when closed eyes hated himself.

"Should we try therapy? Like I hate them but let's give it a try what do you think?"

I spoke but he didn't answer, only got more comfortable and left me to dreamland. "I hope you will see beautiful dreams@ I whispered and kissed his forehead, slowly closed the door and came outside not to wake him up. I should start cleaning from the bathroom and slowly clean every room.

A/n: yep another chapter. More I think of him more sad I become tbh. Today's song is Y si fuera Ella by our angel.

Thank you for being here ❤️

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