Chapter 21: not so fun puns

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**Crystal's p.o.v**

"Hey guys, it's Jewels and today's video is going to be a little different... I'm doing an #askcrys!" After becoming youtube famous, I've gotten into the rhythm of making weekly videos. Today's video... an ask crys, where I'll also make my engagement announcement with Cam... He's holding the camera for me. "First question from @justjulie is... If you were to choose between licking a toilet or marrying your phone what would you do?" This is the most obvious answer ever, who in their right mind would ask this question? I glance slightly at my phone with a wide set grin. "Well, @justjulie. My toilet will have a lot of love, and I will explain why I will not marry my phone at the end of the video!" I hear an large amount of fake coughs, and look to see Cam acting like an idiot.

"Cam! What happened to holding the camera and not disturbing the video... yet!" He laughs again before setting the camera down on a flat surface and standing next to me in front of a wall of fan art. "You're just so cruel! You're making them wait! You know what? I'm going to tell them." I gape at him as he looks at the camera in a sophisticated way. "I would let you, but we have prior engagements!" He goes silent, and shakes his head ashamed. "Can you believe I'm engaged to this awkward woman!?" Dead give away. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to be punny!" He gapes at me longer.

"Don't stare at me like that!" I yell feeling uncomfortable, before he starts laughing and runs to the out of the room. "Well, looks like it's time for another question! @gravycakes says... How many kids do you want?" Why do they wanna know? "Like a billion and a half, we'll be living in a hotel too since a house or apartment is wayyy to small." "You're so weird." He whispers in my ear, I jump not releasing that he had came back to the room.

"Tell me you love me." He whispers, "Cam, I love you." Soon I'm being drench into what feels like a waterfall, "I hate you!" I yell jokingly, then turn around to chase after my now dead fiance.

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