chapter 13: it always has to come back to food

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**Crystal's P.O.V**

(this is a memory)

"Can you believe she did that!" I hear as I scurry through the hallway, middle school can be so cruel sometimes. Like now! "Hey Crystal! Are you going to tell me you like me, too!?" Trevor Hanks shouts, from his rusting locker. More shouts continue and soon him, Sasha and all of their brainless minions follow behind.

"He doesn't like you back!" Sasha screams, in fury. They edge in closer and closer until... "Stop! You've all liked someone, who hasn't liked you back! Right?" She shouts as her long blonde hair flows down her small shoulder. That's her, my future best friend. Amber.

(end of memory)

I hear voices, they sound familar. tRust sound comforting, they sound like... Amber! I can't move, though! Everything is dark, all I can do is listen. All I can do is fight the battle in my head, that will help me wake up.

"What did the doctor tell you?" Amber says in a concerned voice, "He said that Cam is getting better, slowly, and that he may wake up soon. You?" A male voice says, I assume that it's Nash she's talking to. "He said she's gaining brain activity," the room goes silent and I can tell they've gone to something else in the room.

Suddenly, I gain control of my fingers and my eyes, and my voice. But everything else is stiff, like I've been placed in a full body cast. My body aches, as I open my eyes. Staring right at Amber, who's sitting on the edge of bed, reading. She's reading my favorite book too, The Fault in our Stars.

"Am-am-ber," I stutter, NH we head snaps toward me and.she forms a big from and rushes over to my bedside. "Jasmine!" She shouts excitedly, before turning her head to Nash. "Tell the doctor she woke up." Nash sprinted out of the room, searching for the doctor.

She turns her head towards me, "I missed you so damn much!" She says, as she gently grabs my frail hand. "Thank you," I wgospel into her ear. "For what?" She asks, suprised. "Everything."

I hear foot steps, and soon Jasmine's in the doorway, her face filled with shock. "Crystal!" She yells, in deep realization. Before running to otherwise of my bed and grabbing my other hand. "You're awake!"

The doctor comes.running in, followed by Nash and a nurse. "Hi, Ms. Rhodes. How are you feeling?" He says as the nurse refills somethings next to my bed. "Hungry," Wow, Crystal! It just always has to come back to food. "Alright, I'll have one of the nurses bring you food after I'm done taking notes on what the machines are currently telling me." Wow, he doesn't even know the technical terms! What type of doctor I'd he?

The I turn my head, ever so slightly and see him. In a full body cast, sort of like me. Poor Cam. My heart aches  when I realize Igot out of the coma before him.

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