Bonus 2: Never Mess With A Fisher

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Oh my goodness everyone, below I am about to give background history on why Crystal and Amber left and decided to move to L.A., but only little bits will published at a time. This will be separated into several chapters and will give insight on why Crystal is the way she is. Note Crystal will have drastically changed and this before California story might even be longer than the actual book. Also thank you on over 16k reads! ❤️ My Writing has improved since I began this book so hopefully you enjoy these bonus chapters. 😀

** Crystal's P.O.V.**

"What are we doing here?" I ask Aiden suspiciously, who only adjusts his grip on my hand. At first glance you wouldn't think much of the area that we're at but then the moment you set your eyes on the poverty like surroundings you know that you're in for something dangerous. We are in the south side of Chicago of course, the place my mother told me never to go.

Aiden's pasty skin is illuminated in the dark by the subtle flickering of the street lights above, his tired hazel eyes squint as he makes out our surroundings. Houses on houses line the poorly paved street, some with neon yellow eviction notices stamped harshly to the door or window. "Where is this guy when you need him?" He mumbles beneath his husky voice, while simultaneously ignoring my previous question. I scowl in utter distaste, this is not how I planned on spending the night with my boyfriend. Tonight was supposed to be our special night, after all it was Valentine's Day.

"Aiden!" I hushed voice yells from behind, the two of us spin around to see a tall, gawky male standing in the center of the road. The streetlights fail to shine down on his face so he looks more like a deep shadow than anything. Aiden drops my hand from mine and seamlessly rushes over to greet his acquaintance.

"About damn time! My girl and I have been dying for you to hook us up!" He says ecstatically. Hook us up with what? Or who? Aiden never told me, but it appears that I am about to find out.

"Don't you dare every rush me, you got that Gerald?!" The gawky male says to him. Aiden Andrew Gerald, that's my boyfriends full name. Carefully, I jog over towards the two males who seem to be having some sort of bargain. Inwardly I find myself pleading that Aiden doesn't pull anything stupid.

"You sure tiny over hear won't snitch to the cops?" He asks Aiden, eyeing him with his almost translucent emerald eyes. His long fingers fidget nervously with something within his coat pocket. My heart begins to race as I think of all the situations that might occur in this instance, for all I know this man could possibly be armed. What have you gotten us into this time Aiden?

"I told you yesterday, Charlie, and I'll tell you again today. She's not going to snitch." Charlie? Charlie? Have I heard that name before? Charlie? Maybe at the high school? Charlie Kolt? No, Aiden hates that kid and he's set to be valedictorian. There's no way that kid is going to risk his chance now. What about Charlie Johnson? Nope, too short. Charlse Fisher? Goes by Charlie. Extremely thin and tall. Fits the description, who is also known as the school's menacing weed dealer. Also known for never calling anybody by their first names, kind of weird in my opinion.

"Can I trust you, Rhodes?" Charlie asks, quickly snapping his head my direction and taking a step towards me. The stench of cigarettes strengthens as he breaths on my face, he's merely half a foot away from my face.

"I don't snitch." I growl, taking a step closer and making myself out to look taller. I grit my teeth carefully, pondering my next move and watching Aiden out of the corner of my  brown eyes. He's just standing there, with his feet shoulder length apart and his firm arms crossed against his chest. On the other hand, Charlie doesn't back down. Instead his jaw locks and looks down at me. There's difference in height that's about a foot, yet he still manages to take a drag of a cigarette and blow it directly into my face.

"I'd back down if I were you." He hisses, forcefully grabbing onto my wrist. I pull away but he only tightens his grip, Aiden steps forward but doesn't do anything to protect me.

"Just let us pay our dues and give us the weed. We'll get out of your hair." I state, finally escaping his grasp. I reach for his coat pocket, but he steps back.

"He knows what he owes me."

Aiden reaches into his back pocket and pulls out an envelope with a lump sum of cash stuffed sloppily inside of it, Charlie rips it from his hand and begins to count. Reaching into his pocket, he takes out a bag full of weed and throws it on the pavement. "Next time don't bring your bitch of a girlfriend."

Like that Charlie just walks off, he disappears into a dark alley way and Aiden collapses to ground and frantically picks up the bag.

"How dare you not defend me?" I hiss at my , now that you think of it clearly mental, boyfriend.

"Never mess with a Fisher. They kill."

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