Chapter 18: Becoming a youtuber/online school

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**Crystal's p.o.v**

Today, i decided to enroll Jasmine into an online high school, like what Nash does. I'm certain that both of our schedules are about to pick up, and that she wouldn't have time to actually be at an actual school, but I didn't want her to be an high school drop out at the age of fourteen. "How's that online course going?" I ask from the stove as I prepare to start making pancakes, "It's fine," she murmurs as she pays close attention to her laptop on the granite counter. Yep, you heard me. G-R-A-N-I-T-E, our land lords are giving us a deal on this apartment and the kitchen appliances. Ugh! I'm getting so old! No one who's my age brags about granite counters.

amber strolls in, and takes the pan and ingredients away from me, "Last time you made pancakes you almost burned the kitchen down!" She scolds, and pushes me gently out of the way. I skip over to Jasmine,and take a seat in the stool beside her. "Hey! That isn't the online school! You're logging into skype!" Jasmine nods, as she cliks through a few things and Hayes appears on the monitor. "Hey, Hayes!" she smiles as they start into a full blast conversation on the most random things.

Deciding I've had enough of being put aside, I walk to my bedroom and find my own laptop by my bedside. I think I'm going to surprise Cam, and... no, not skype him! I'm going to start a youtube! I'm think maybe a vlog/ random thing s like what Andrea Russett does. I know, exciting! Hopefully this works out!

This is a short filler! I planned on doing this so that Crystal's shedule will fill up, along with the many other things she will soon pursue. Be Patient! The next chapter's coming soon, maybe a few days or a week?

Cam's Girl (Cameron Dallas Fan-Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora