When they meet

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A blond boy around the age of 7 was sitting on a swing, swinging his legs slightly back and forth. It was slightly chilled outside and the breeze was blowing cold air. The boy continued to swing even with the chilly weather.

Suddenly there was a loud thumping noise like running footsteps. The blond turned his attention to the sidewalk, where he saw a boy with lengthy black hair running. The raven haired boy was running from three other boys. He looked the same age as the blond, but he seemed slightly smaller. The blond was intrigued by the boy's situation.

The blond hopped off the swing and ran over to see what the ruckus was about. The four boys were in the playground now. Three of which surrounded the raven haired boy. They were all much taller and bigger than the boy. The raven haired boy started to cry, when the boy with pink-ish hair grabbed him. The other two grabbed his black backpack and started dumping its contents.

(Just for more story and context, the orange haired boy is Satori, the brown haired boy is Hayato, and the pink haired boy is Kou.)

"Jackpot!" The brown haired boy said pulling out a small shark money pouch.

"Hey, Kou! Kou! Look here! I found his money pouch. Let's take it and get some snacks!" The orangette haired boy exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. What Satori said! Snacks! Snacks! Come on, Kou!" The brunette cheered.

The pinkette haired boy, who seemed to answer to the name Kou, turned his head towards them and scowled. He grabbed the raven haired boy and threw him on the ground. He kicked him in the leg as hard as he could.

"OW!!" The raven haired boy cried.

"Hayato! Shut up! Help me beat this dweeb. Give him something to cry about."

"Kou that's kinda mean don't you think..."

"Yeah, what Satori said! That's too far!"

"Shut up! Either you help me or I tell everyone you hit him first!"

The two boys scrambled to put the money pouch away. They walked over to the raven haired boy and started kicking him. Kou kicked the boy harder and harder each kick. He stopped once he saw his friends start shaking with fear.

"What?! You all are scared cats! But since I feel better, we can stop. Let's go!"

The three boys started to make there way towards the sidewalk and away from the wailing boy on the ground. Before they could reach the sidewalk, a blond with an angry look on his face stopped them. He growled and grabbed Kou by his collar.


I was just swinging on the swings after school at the park near my house. I like the swings, it's like I'm flying. I was minding my own damn business, when I saw a boy running away from three other boys. I'm pretty sure they are like a year older. Losers. I'm kinda curious though...

I got off the swing and ran over to the slides. I hid behind the trees and peaked over to see what was happening. The boys look like they are picking on the other boy. That's mean. Picking on someone smaller is such a drag. Idiots.

I saw as they dumped out his stuff and took his money pouch. It's pissed me off, when that kid with the orange hair started hurting the smaller boy. Does he not know that that is unacceptable?!

"I should help him. If I wanna be a hero, I have to save people in trouble." I said out loud to myself.

I walked over to the three boys and stopped right in front of them. I grabbed the boy with pink hair by the collar and threw him on the ground.

"What the—"

"Shut the up!"

I climbed on the boy and started hitting him in the face. Swinging my fists over and over again, until the boy was crying for me to stop. He swung a couple hits missing all of them but two, which hit me straight in the face.

I got off of the boy and huffed from exhaustion and anger.

"Get lost, losers! Get the hell out of here before I beat you all up!! Beat it!!"

The three bullies scrambled away from the me and dropped the money pouch. I walked over and picked up the pouch. I walked  over at the crying boy.

"Stop crying! Geez. I made them go away. Now say thank you. Hmph."

The boy looked up at me and started crying harder. I think he was trying to say something, but I couldn't understand him. I think I shouldn't have yelled at him like that. Oops.

"Umm. It's ok. You can tell me thank you later. Please stop crying."

He wouldn't stop crying. So, I kneeled down and grabbed him face by his tear stained cheeks. I leaned in and placed a small peck on his nose, which is what my mom does, when I cry. The boy has really pretty eyes. Dark red. And pretty, long eye lashes. His hair was black and framed his face perfectly. I thought his sharp teeth were really cute....like a shark.

He looked me straight in the eye, which made my face feel hot. I looked away for a second before looking back into his pretty eyes. He stopped crying! He had a small smile on his face.

"Thank you....your my hero!"

"Oh...Yeah! Of course I am!! Im a super hero!"

I helped him stand up and wipe his face. He had really soft skin. I picked up his things and put them neatly in his backpack.

"Here you go! Ummm. Do...do you want me to walk you home. I can protect you! By the way my name is Bakugo katsuki."

"Yeah...if you don't mind. Also, my name is....eijiro...kiri....ma."

"I can't hear you. What's your name? Can you speak up!"

"Kirishima Eijiro!" He gasped and covered his mouth with both hands after raising his voice.



Shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud. Oh well. It's true though. He is cute. I just wanna be his hero forever. I should be his hero forever. Only me. I grabbed his hand with my right hand and grabbed his backpack in my left. As we were walking toward his house, I stopped and turned to face him.

I dropped his backpack and hand. I cupped his face in my hands and leaned in until our noses touched. I pecked him on the lips this time.

"You're mine! Now we are married! I'm gonna be your freaking hero forever!"

I felt my face heat up so much and I dropped my hands to my side. I turned around and ran as fast as I could. I thought of his face all the way home. Kirishima Eijiro.



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