How it all started and how it turned to shit real fast

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[This chapter is gonna take place when Kirishima just started his first year of high school.]
I'm so excited. I'm starting my first year in high school! I got into a great all boys school, worked my ass off to get in. My moms are so proud of me and supported me for choosing such a hard school.

It's feels so long ago that I was barely in middle school, struggling with homework and messing around with my friends. I had come out to my family and friends as Bi a year ago. They all accepted it, of course, and I even started dating a girl I had had a huge crush on.

After getting in to an all boys school that was far from my other friends and girlfriend, we all went out separate ways. We tried staying in contact, even after I broke up with my girlfriend. We still talk and hang out whenever we have time though.

It's Wednesday, my first day, and yes I know it's an odd day to start on. It's set that day since they let the third years have Monday to settle into their classes first and Tuesday for the second years. I really don't mind though.

I get up as usual, turning off my alarm, laying out my noice uniform, brushing my teeth, doing my hair, and of course doing my face routine. Gotta keep the skin nice and smooth.

I throw on my uniform, making sure it's as perfect as possible. I need to make a perfect impression. After all, they gave me a chance to get into this school and off the waiting list. I need to prove my worth. Be manly!

I head downstairs with my bag in hand and a huge smile. I smell crispy bacon sizzling and warm milk pancakes baking in the kitchen. I peek into the kitchen seeing both of my moms cooking in pure bliss.

"Good morning, mom and Mama! How are y'all this fine morning?"

"Oooo. Since when are you so polite? Kaori, I think something's wrong with our baby boy! He's suddenly so polite!"

My Mama elbowed my Mom in the side, snickering at my sudden politeness. My mom looking at me trying to stifle a grin, rolling her eyes.

"Oh no! What could it possibly be? Tadame, you would think we taught our boy well enough manners to use them constantly rather than on occasion. Hmph."

We all burst out laughing. I couldn't help, but laugh at her statement. It was true nonetheless. I do have good manners, I just don't use them unless something good happened or there were other people around I didn't know.

I walked over to both moms and kissed each on the cheek, before walking off to the table. I saw that my brother and sister were already seated at the table. They are twins, and just started their second year of middle school.

My sister was taller and had long wavy caramel brown hair with big, chocolate eyes. She had visible freckles and wore simple black glasses. She was definitely way smarter than me and always let me know it too. She's a classic "study first play later" type girl. She is more like my Mom even, if she looked like my Mama the most.

On the other hand, there's my brother, the youngest, who was pretty shy for someone so interesting, in my opinion. He was smart, funny, athletic, and the most musical out of all of us. He had lengthy black hair like mine, except for the dyed red streaks, and had big dark red eyes. He had visible freckles and also wore simple black glasses. He looked more like my Mom and acted much shyer than any of us, but that's okay.

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