Getting better is a process but you wont be alone

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I looked every which way, frantically trying to piece together my surroundings. Everything appeared fuzzy and blotched. My eyes were still adjusting to the bright room and blurred figures. I had a massive headache that attacked me right away, from the loss of blood and sedatives in my system. Wait—

Sedatives? My wrists are bandaged.... I must be in the hospital.

I peered at the figures, allowing my vision to clear up and recognizing the faces instantly. My eyes tear up from my recollection of what has happened. I had been clean for a year.


Now look at me....suicide watch, bandaged, and tear stained visitors. I'll most likely be questioned again and then asked to self-admit myself into the psych ward. I don't want to go, but....I know I should. This keeps happening too many times and if I don't admit I need help...I might actually succeed one day.

I can't do that. I need to stay alive for Kirishima.

I glance at the faces of my dad and my boyfriend. They didn't seem a bit disappointed, but I still
Told myself they were. I looked Kiri in the eyes, finding them fuller than usual. Guilt twisting at my insides, as I noticed the tears forming in his eyes.

"'re here. I-I—" I sputter airily.

"Hi, babe, you feeling better? You're in the hospital. The others are waiting in the you wanna see them?" Kiri whispered endearingly, taking my hand in his and squeezing it softly.

"My are you feeling? Do you need me to call a nurse in? Do you need anything? Water? Food? Blankets? Are you cold? Do you have a headache? I know you get those...after.." Dad muttered fatherly, rubbing my leg from above the blanket in a gentle manner.

"Ah...I-I'm okay...a little out of it, but okay. I'll seem th-them later. I'm g-good, dad. D-don't worry about m-me." I huffed half heartedly, still feeling the effects of the medicine.

"Alrighty then. Just let us know if ya need anything, 'Kay?" Kiri assured once again.

"I-I just need to r-rest for a bit. And Kiri....could y-you—um—h-hold me?" I asked voice trembling and biting my lip anxiously.

"Yeah, of course, hun." Kiri sighed, pulling me into a warm embrace.

I always liked how he called me by different pet names—it was calming. The way he holds me in his arms and pulls me into his chest, always makes me feel safe and secure. His smell—raspberry and orange—was especially calming. I relaxed completely in his embrace, wrapping my own arms around him to complete the hug. He held me like that for a long moment, letting go when a knock sounded from the door.



"Come in." Dad called out.

A nurse with a emotionless face, dressed in bluish scrubs and a doctor with an equally emotionless face, dressed in a lab coat walked in. The nurse came over to my side, starting to look over my vitals and check my wrists. The doctor filed through the paperwork on his clipboard, only turning his attention to me to talk.

"Bakugo Katsuki, how are we doing today? Any discomfort? I'm Dr. Suzuya Rin and this is Nurse Mei. She will be attending to you for the time being, until you get discharged. I would like to discuss a few things with you. Would you like to talk in private?" Dr. Suzuya imparted monotonously.

"....I'm fine. C-can we just get th-this over with?" I muttered anxiously, as I fidgeted with Kiri's hand.

"Okay then. To put it simply...from your records, it shows you've been admitted several times due to suicide attempts. You've also been admitted various times due to alcohol overdoses. A psychologist is coming in to assess you. Since this was a 'close call' and not your first time, we may need to hold you over night on suicide watch. If you try anything over the course of your stay, we will be required to admit you into the psych ward on your parent's behalf. Things will be much more smoother, if you admit yourself. Do you understand everything I just explained?" The doctor elaborated, facial expression unwavering.

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