Mama Mitsuki returns

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I step aside as my mother pushed right past me and into the dorm. She waltzes right into the living room like it's her own goddamn place, taking her place on the couch. She takes a deep breath and lets out a delighted sigh.

I close the door softly, more scared that I might trigger my mom to hurt me than accidentally waking up my boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriend. I absolutely cannot under any fucking circumstance, allow my psycho mother meet him. I ponder frantically, whilst shuffling over to sit down across my mom on the sturdy coffee table.

She smiles at me—softly if her face is even capable of that—and tilts her head innocently. I better get her to talk fast and leave even faster. I'm not trying to let her hurt me again or trigger me into trying to hurt myself again.

"The fuck you want? Do you know what time it is?! It's fucking late and you're not supposed to be anywhere near me. So beat it!" I snarl at her, breaking the silence.

"Oh. I guess you're right, hun. I'm just here to see you. I've missed you. I mean like I haven't seen you since....well since a while back. How are you? Tell me about yourself...and everything I've missed." Mitsuki responds kindly, with a hint of vile intent.

I squirm uncomfortably, licking my lips and fidgeting my hands anxiously.

"Fuck. Cut the crap! Leave! Or I'm calling th-the cops....." 

"Don't worry I've gotten help over the years. I won't hurt you. I promise." She sneers.

"O-okay... I've been fine. Uni is going pretty decent. I have" I gullibly reply.

"And what? Katsuki...don't forget I know what you are. No need to hide it. Just say it." She pressed.

"I have a boyfriend." I blurt frantically.

She leans back into the couch, a disapproving expression stretching on her face. She sighs in disapproval, before continuing to terrorize me.

"Well, fuck. I guess my son really is just a faggot. I feel more sorry for the man your with. You probably manipulated him and pressured him into the disgusting relationship. Maybe it isn't too late for him. But as for you.....I wish you would just kill yourself properly." Mitsuki scoffed.

I swallowed the bitter bile and ignored the anxious knot forming in my chest. I slumped my shoulders slightly in shame. I clenched my teeth, keeping myself from letting her words get to me.

Kiri likes me for me. He....genuinely likes me. I didn't force him into our relationship. He told me he was bisexual, which means he like guys too. I should just ignore her homophobic comments. She's wrong....right?

"You're wrong." I mumbled out just loud even to be heard by my mom.

"Oh? And why is that?" She recoiled, raising her eyebrows in skepticism.

"W-well....he likes guys too. An-and he likes me. I-I never pressured h-him. Our relationship i-isn't disgusting. So, please stop saying such fucked up things, and get the fuck out!" I snapped back, stuttering nervously.

"Hmm. Well, it was nice seeing you anyway. I really hoped you changed, but I guess delusional fags like yourself don't change. I'll be seeing you around, Katsuki."

She stood up, dusting off her pants and walking towards the entrance. She stops mid step right before the door, turning around to face me. I stiffen up as I stand up and stare back, locking onto her gaze.

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