Incoherant blabbing along with something sweet in the end

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It's been almost five months since I've been dating Kiri, and I'm still shocked we are together. I mean like last year I thought I would be closeted gay and lonely forever, but now I have a boyfriend. I don't know it seems almost impossible that this is even happening.

Christmas is coming up in less than a week, along with winter break and New Years. I haven't even thought about what I'm going to do during that time. Usually I'd just go home, party with friends, get shitface wasted, and do stupid shit, that Kiri's in the picture, there's more to think about. I've been keeping my bipolar mood swings under control so far, along with my anxiety, but I still have a gut feeling that I might trip up.

I don't want something to trigger a manic episode, considering I haven't had one in a while. Kirishima has only seen me, when I'm having a depressive episode, but he's never witnessed me during a manic episode. Being depressed, oversleeping, and inactive is one thing, but being hyperactive, insomniac, and rambling incoherently is something completely different.

I sigh dramatically, running a hand down my face in frustration. I haven't been sleeping well lately because I keep overthinking about random things. My mind feels like it's running an endless marathon, rambling on and on to not end. I'm at work, which means I can't be distracted. I check look up at the clock, seeing that it's barely 4:30pm. I don't get out until 7:00pm, which doesn't help my current situation.

Fuck. Come on stupid brain. WORK. Stop thinking about other shit. You're at work not home. Pay attention. Concentrate.

I decide to just take an early break, in order to compose myself. I let the manager know, before heading on to the break room. I take my usual seat at the corner table, taking out my phone to keep myself focused on one thing rather than spiraling. I scroll through social media endlessly, seeing way too many couple's photos of Denki and Shin.

Hmm. Those extras.... I wonder what Kiri would think if I tried being more....affectionate. I pretty sure he would be happy about it....yeah.... Fuck it. Imma do something stupid for that hair for brains.

I opt to shoot my boyfriend a quick text, before heading back to work. I not even sure I should be texting him right now, seeing as he has afternoon classes today. Oh well. I send a quick text anyway, waiting for a response before clocking back into work.

Dumb Hair♥️:
Hey dumbass, just wanted to let you know I miss you or whatever. Well...see ya later, hair for brains.

[five minutes later...]

Dumb Hair♥️:
Oh....Hiiii Baku. Miss you too. I'm in class sorry. But um...see ya at home. ☺️

I read the text over and over again, feeling my face heat up indefinitely. Now I feel even more impatient and frantic to head home. I head back out to the store counter, shoving my phone in my pocket and clocking back it. I pin my stupid name tag, getting ready to attend to the next customer.

I slide my crocs off, tossing them lazily by the door as I walk away. I let my mind wander back to the text Baku sent me earlier. It was really out of character for him, considering we usually call rather than text. He said he missed me, which made me feel really happy....and yet vulnerable for some reason. Exposed even.

Maybe it's just me. I just feel off today...that's all. Yeah. That's all. Definitely...

I wander into my room, dropping my book bag on my desk chair and pulling out my phone. I look though the messages, finding 37 sent from....Katsuki? Katsuki? Wait. That's really out of character for him. I scroll through them, reading them through and slowly becoming more concerned about him. Each text was odder than the previous, it all started off from the "I miss you" text and evolving into "I've never noticed how fucking blue the sky is until now" or "your eyes really do match your hair like shit that's trippy".

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