Chapter 14~ More Than Friends

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§ Hey guys, I know it has been a while...more like 4 months..yikes. So I wanted to say that I am extremely sorry for not updating and I will try to make updates more regulary. So, here's the chpater that may or may not have been long awaited. §

∆Love Me LIke You Do: Ellie Goulding (50 Shades of Grey Soundtrack)

Chloe's POV:

"Ahhh" I said as I flopped down on my comfortable bed, exhausted from my trip to Hawaii.

I had just arrived home from the airport and Cam had come in for about an hour or two and we were downstairs watching YouTubes videos on my computer. Cam had just left, but already had begun texting me. 

∆Text Messages∆

Cam: Heyyy Chloooeeeee

Chloe: Hello Cameron

Cam: Guess what?

Chloe: ??

Cam: I know your sister turns everyone on, but oh baby I have no doubt you're the one that I want

Chloe: Cool story bro

Cam: You think she's got it all but that don't make her better, you've got my heart and that's the only thing that matters

Chloe: Cammmm you know I hate that song

Cam: I know ;) but I have a question for you

Chloe: What

Cam: Can you come over for dinner? My mom isn't home and I'm scared to be alone

Chloe: lol sure, I'll be over at 6

Cam: Make it 6:30

Chloe: sure, whatever you say Cameron

Cam: Cool can't wait to see you

∆End Text Messages∆

Chloe's POV:

I just wok up from my extremely long nap at it's 10 to 6 so I figured I should start to get ready. I got off my wonderfull, warm, soft bed and went into my bathroom. I hopped in the shower, washed my hair, and shaved. Once I was done I put on my fluffy robe and started to blow dry my hair. Once it was blowed dried, I just threw it up into a messy bun and started on my makeup. Since it was jsut Cam, I put on some eyeliner and mascara. Once I was done in the bathroom, I went into my closet and looked through all my clothes. I finally decided on red skinny jeans, my jean shirt, brown riding boots, and my leopard scarf. Then I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone. I alos packed a small bad with pj's and another change of clothes, just incase I got tired at Cam's and wanted to just spend the night. 

I walked acorss the street and went into Cam's house.

"Cam I'm here, I;m going to put my stuff in your room." I yelled to him

"Okay. Dinner should be ready soon so be quick."

I ran up to his room and put down my stuff and took off my boots.

I ran downstairs and went into the kitchen to meet Cam. When I walked into the kitchen he turned around and smiled at me while looking me up and down.

"What Cam? Is something wrong?" I asked with fake innocence in my voice. 

"" Cam said nervously, avoiding looking me in the eye. 

After that I went into the living room to put in a movie, I decided to chose Twilight, and before you go all 'Wow that's so cliché'....this book is called 'My Absolutely Cliché Life' so hold your marbles.

We sat on the couch and ate the spaghetti Cam made and watched all 5 movies. By the time the movies were finished it was really early in the morning and we were both exhausted, but still wanted to stay awake.

"Let's play a game" Cameron said out of nowhere.

"Sure. Which one?" I said pausing to yawn in the middle of the sentence.

"Truth or dare?" he responded sleepily.

"Dare" I said.

"I dare you to kiss me on the lips."

"Fine, come here."

We both leaned in slowly and kissed each other gently.

"Truth or dare?" I asked happily.

"Truth." he said

"Is is true that you think you're famous?" I asked.

He sat quietly for a few minuets, thinking about how to answer the tricky question. "I think I'm well know and becoming more well known, but I don't think I'm famous. I'm a kid with a phone and a Vine account, as Matthew Espinosa once said. Now, truth or dare?"


"If I asked you to be my girlfriend would you say yes?"

I smiled at him then said "Of course."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course" I said then leaned into him chest and layed down and we both fell asleep. 

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